The big reveal today was Victoria Street - the big extension to the outside set, however events largely revolved around Eileen. A troll has been at work on the FAWN website denigrating Eileen who "must" have known about Pat Phelan's activities. Summer is posting a very strong defence and protecting Eileen from the comments. She does not stick around when Gail turns up with a meal and offers to compare the impact of killer husbands on their lives. And the back door at Eileen's keeps mysteriously opening itself - until we see a slim black hooded character opening it. Meanwhile out the front someone has put a load of nails into Eileen's tyres.
Rana is feeling sorry for herself but cannot face reporting her parents to the police. Kate talks her into seeing sense and going to the Rovers for a drink. Yasmeen is certainly being more supportive than Rana's own parents who have now disowned both children!
Sarah and her brood are moving - apparently they can afford a Victoria Courts flat. She is only a part time barmaid and Gary was in hospital - but Audrey has her cast removed and Gary is back home - Sarah brings them both back - apparently she has a car as well. Gail is only allowed to collect the children from school for David if she keeps them away from Shona! And Gary is employing Seb and has taken on Pat's builder's yard. However this does not explain the money supply being enjoyed by Sarah and Gary!
Michelle and Robert make up and he is not going to risk losing her again! They are dressed up Andy's funeral - they all talk about it but we don't get to see it. Michelle makes it clear to Carla that she is uninvited to the wedding even though Carla has dumped Ali. And Johnny tells Jenny that his next job will be to book their flights to Spain, once he has had breakfast.
David despite a hangover makes it to work and finds that Maria has employed a new trainee - Emma an effervescent bundle of energy. David is not impressed. Alya has a date with Josh and Jenny observes that Josh can tinker with her camshaft any day. Alya and Maria also make up over their argument over who was grieving most for Luke. Emma looks up Josh Tucker on her phone and agrees he is fit. David gets ever more wound up. When he angrily leaves the salon he bumps into Gary and they have an argument with David threatening Gary with Round 2. Sarah calls David a nasty angry little man.
Sophie's job chasing is going nowhere until Steve reminds her that Zeedan needs help so off she goes to Speed Dahl. Also at the same location Aidan asks for Zeedan's help if Rana's family cause any more trouble - he accidentally reveals to the arriving Sophie that Kate and Rana are a long standing item. Sophie's day just got a lot worse.
Eileen and Nicola hear a noise upstairs and Eileen wallops the intruder with a frying pan. It turns out that Abi, Seb's mother is clean, released and in need of housing so gets to stay on the sofa after initially decrying Eileen, followed by Seb explaining the facts, Eileen and Abi have a long chat in the new garden area (as pictured at the head of this post) and they stop knocking six bells out of each other. And Abi is now a trained mechanic apparently - and she did not post on the FAWN website or put nails in the tyres - so who did? Abi can stay one night if she returns the window cleaning money. The magic walls at Eileen's are in action - Eileen, Nicola and bump, Seb and Abi - not quite the record which was Eileen, Pat, Jason, Todd, Billy, Sean and Shona I think.
Summer is looking for some work experience and the UK Space Agency have turned her down. Her knight in shining armour is Aidan who offers her some experience at Underworld, shadowing Alya. which will inevitably help her become an astronomer. That factory must be doing well - first Simon now Summer.
Gail brings Max and Lily to the cafe and the children sneak past Gail upstairs to see Shona - Lily has a colourful snail picture and Max explains that Gail is washing pots for Roy. Shona is obviously pleased to see them. David comes into the cafe and the kids are missing. They appear from upstairs with Shona. Once again Gary is telling David to calm down - he is ignored and David tells Gail that she cannot look after his children any more. The Platt family believe that the old nasty David has returned.
Kate and Rana have made it to the pub. And Sophie comes in, sees them and leaves. Aidan tells Kate off for not telling Sophie sooner.
At home David is crying and crying and he cannot stop. However this is not the "old nasty David" who would have been planning revenge and sorting Josh out in one way or another. This is a completely new and uncertain David - what will come forth I wonder?
Late at night we see a figure in black find the key under the flowerpot to Eileen's back door and let themselves in the back door, just after Eileen has made herself a drink.
Events were from the pens of Cameron McAllister and Ella Greenhill and were directed by Abe Juckes.
No time for comments this week - it was all busy!

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We have had to suspend belief while the writers take liberty...Where does the money come from indeed. Yes,Sarah is a barmaid and not a very good one either as well,trade has slowed at the Rovers. The Bistro is rockin' though...where do they all park their cars?
There is always an endless supply of cash. Fiz and Ty owed a small fortune and by drinking half pints and no take aways they managed to pay it off in a few short months.
Eileen's house....the Platt's house....Maria's place.....where DO they all fit
Does no one want their own place? Even poor Roy has a housefull.
What's going on with the silly Jude/Mary/what's her name story?
I agree with the comments about suspending belief about Sarah and Gary's finances.Gary has a son who needs speech therapy and another on the way and yet he can afford a flat at Victoria Courts as well as a car for Sarah while working as a builder?
I guess whatever Sarah wants Sarah gets?!
I also wonder how could Maria hire a new employee at the salon?
She doesn't even own it!What about Bethany?Is she still working in her grandmother's salon?
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