Monday 23rd April
GARY TRIES TO HELP DAVID Gary calls to see David at the salon and tells him that he thinks he is heading for a breakdown and that it is probably a delayed reaction to Kylie’s death. David goes along with it to appease Gary. Shona tells Maria that things seemed to go downhill after he fell out with Josh so Maria decides to try and talk to David.
ALYA HAS A BAD DAY Alya makes it clear she is sick of living under the same roof as Kate so Kate suggests Alya should move back into number 6 and let Rana move into the flat. Alya is furious and heads off to work where Summer has spotted a miscalculation in Alya’s figures that could have cost Aidan thousands of pounds. Alya is humiliated.
ZEEDAN HAS A SETBACK Rana’s dad has cancelled the cheque for the business investment meaning Zedan has no money to buy furniture for Speed Daal.
ELSEWHERE Abi winds up Tyrone by diagnosing a car problem he hadn’t spotted. Liz is annoyed when Johnny comes in the medical centre and Moira accuses her of fancying him.
Monday 23rd April
DAVID SHOCKS HIS FAMILY Maria talks to Michelle about David’s odd behaviour meanwhile David tells Emma to close the salon early and invites her round to number 8 for a beer. Maria arrives at the house to find Emma in a state of undress, shocked Maria makes a swift exit. David gives Emma a set of keys and asks her to move in!
SUMMER AND ALYA JOIN FORCES Summer apologies to Alya for showing her up. Gracious Alya asks her to help her with a new idea and the pair of them pitch a sportswear range to an impressed Aidan and Carla.
RANA SIDELINES KATE TO HELP ZEEDAN With no money coming from her parents Rana tells Kate that she can’t move into the flat. Zeedan needs her help and she sets about trying to source furniture for the restaurant.
ELSEWHERE On a night out with Mike Liz finds herself casting glances at Johnny. Billy returns from rehab. Nicola is concerned when she locks herself out and can’t find the spare key. Seb later finds it and says it was there all along but Nicola is not convinced.

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