Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been several weeks
since my last blog.
I’ve been enjoying reading rather than contributing to ‘The
Blog’ these past few weeks. Through a combination of hectic work schedule and lack
of inspiration I’ve not felt compelled to share my own thoughts on Corrie, but
the musings of bloggers old and new have kept me fully in the loop on all
things cobbled. I last blogged back in May about the lovely vigil for friend of
the blog Martyn Hett, who died in the Manchester arena bomb. Not sure if these
events triggered my blogger’s block, but as storylines build up to their
autumn/winter crescendo, I thought I’d dip my toe in the water again and share some
of my thoughts on Corrie’s current storylines.
Love thy neighbor

The surreal but hilarious shenanigans from Norris and Mary
have had me in stiches over recent weeks. Sometimes blurring the lines between
soap and comedy, they end up in situations some might say are well beyond
realistic, but I think Corrie can get away with this and it provides us with
some much needed giggles. Last week Norris grudgingly agreed to marry his
scatterbrained friend so that she could win a couple’s competition and visit
her son in South Africa. If the wedding does happen, I’m sure it will provide
more comedy gold, and I really hope Mary gets to see Jude.
Honour thy mother and father
Billy and Todd have started on a new adventure in life, with
the arrival of Billy’s goddaughter Summer. I like nice Todd, even if there’s
still the odd glimmer of evil and mischief in there every now and then. He and
Billy actually make a good couple, and it will be good to see them tested as
Summer settles into Weatherfield life. From Todd’s initial apprehension at
taking on Summer full-time, to his now instinctive protectiveness over her, it’s
been a heart-rending storyline that has moved at just the right pace. I also
like the fact that religion has come into a lot of conversations recently, especially
when it comes to Summer’s rather stern and deeply unpleasant grandmother. As an
atheist it’s always interesting to see how religion and religious thought is
interpreted in today’s television.
Beverley Callard is blowing me away recently. As the Rovers
enters a new era with Peter Barlow at the helm, Liz McDonald has moved on to a
job at the Medical Centre, where boss-from-hell Moria is doing everything she
can to make Liz’s life a misery. From criticizing her interaction with patients, to mocking her fashion sense, Moira has certainly taken a disliking to Liz, even if she tries to hide her digs as constructive criticism. Trying her best to make positive steps in her
new life, Liz struggles to keep up with some of the demands of her new job,
and her family life, as ever, makes things even more difficult, but this has
given us the viewers some brilliantly funny scenes to enjoy. Friday’s episode
saw Liz whack Steve across the head for interfering in her life, after he asked
Peter to give her a few shifts behind the bar. Liz’s sharp wit, impatient grimace
and at times short temper highlight Bev’s brilliant acting skills, whether she’s
playing comedy or drama. I’m really enjoying seeing her in a new environment,
even if it still doesn’t seem quite right that she’s no longer amongst the
glistening optics of the Rovers Return bar.
Thou shalt not commit adultery
I’m a little bored with the Maria, Aidan, Eva storyline – as
with most soap affairs it’s dragging on a bit. The elements I’ve enjoyed have
been Eva’s game play, spending all of Aidan’s money and putting him and Maria
in some pretty awkward situations. And whilst Adam Barlow’s involvement now
means the stakes are much higher, I’m wondering when the cat will be out of the
bag and will it be a bit of an anti-climax?
Thou shalt not bear false witness
It has been great seeing Craig given some proper storylines
that don’t revolve around his rat. He’s really matured since Bethany’s grooming
story was revealed and it has given Colson Smith, who plays Craig, the
opportunity to show us that he’s worthy of his place on the Street. Bethany’s closeness
to Craig has been really sweet, with some lovely scenes, as has her ever-growing
friendship with Mary, who helped Bethany through some of her darkest times. They
have both given Bethany the strength to tell the whole truth about Nathan and
his pervy mates. Unexpected and surprising friendships often work really well
on Corrie - look at Roy and Becky for example, or Tracy and Mary. Speaking of
which, I’d love to see more of Dr Gaddas and Liz together. They are complete opposites
as people but it would be nice to see them both get into trouble again with
Moira and strike up a bit of a friendship.
It has been really nice in the past few weeks to hear
references to some old characters, including Bet Lynch and Fred Elliott. It’s
nice to know they haven’t been forgotten by characters or producers. The past
is very important in Coronation Street, most characters in some way are linked
to residents of years gone by. I’m quite excited at the prospect of some old
characters coming back to the cobbles too – I can think of a few I’d love to
see return, who would you like to see come back?
So that’s me caught up. Welcome to all new Corrie bloggers,
I love your work!

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1 comment:
I'm not sure I agree that Moira has taken a dislike to Liz, Stevie. There seem to be two possibilities: either she's a workplace bully, using passive agressive techniques to compensate for her own insecurities, or else she's incapable of empathy and just genuinely doesn't get how others are hurt by her remarks. Interesting that she treats Dr Gaddas in a similar way. The fact that she, a tee-totaller, came into the Rovers last week and bought Liz a drink makes me think it's the latter. I don't think she'd have done that if she'd taken a dislike to Liz. It'll be interesting to see what is really up with 'Moora' - so long as the writers don't duck it by making her a 2-dimensional unrealistic 'comedy' character.
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