Coronation Street
is known for its fine comedy, its credible conversations and its well-drawn friendships.
Some of the best lines ever written have been uttered on the cobbles.
But it’s not
just the comedy, it’s also the heart-breaking scenes and the sadness around
broken friendships and relationships that are particularly poignant.
The ones I have
chosen here are the ones that over my many Corrie viewing years have had a profound
effect.Most recently - Bethany’s words. The fact that she is so young and has endured so much is what is behind her words when she says to David and Sarah:-
helps. Please hear me. I’m broken and nothing is going to fix me.’
Another is
by Hayley, to Roy, who she so badly wanted to understand and support her in her
bid to kill herself, before her cancer became too much to bear for herself and
others, especially Roy. Typically for Hayley, with no fuss, no drama, even
though this would be the most dramatic action of her life, she says:-
‘I love you – always have, always
will. I’m so sorry, I have to go.’
In the very
first episode of Coronation Street, Elsie has been rowing with her son, Dennis.
Dennis is not hunting for a job seriously enough in Elsie’s eyes, but Dennis
feels stymied because he is just recently out of prison. Elsie accuses him of
stealing £2 from her purse. He didn’t. His sister took it to do some shopping.
Exhausted by
the stresses of family life, Elsie gazes at her reflection in the mirror. She
ponders her image and comments on the inevitable deterioration that age brings
with it and comes out with this famous line:-‘Eh, Elsie, you’re just about ready for the knacker yard.’
Last year,
the incomparable Kylie Platt was murdered in broad daylight. As she lay dying
in David’s arms, her children on her mind and the devastating realisation that
she must leave them dawning on her, she said:-
‘Whatever mistakes I made, please
tell them I never stopped loving them.’
In her early
incarnation, many viewers thought Mary was just plain weird, and terms such as
oddball, nut- job and loony were cast around. Recently Mary’s evolution has
made her a firm favourite on the cobbles.
In those early
days, viewers will remember how Mary was very taken by Norris, but he did not
reciprocate. In the words which follow, there is mystery, a hint of revenge and
a lifetime of rejection. Norris’s enquiries fall on deaf ears.
Mary: You wouldn’t be the first person who rejected me. Even my own mother
turned her back on me. I made her pay for that though.
Norris: What did you do?Mary: Do you like Salade Nicoise?
Now Bet has
returned and turns up at The Rovers. Rita is there but neither she nor Bet make
the effort to reconnect. The next day though, Rita has a change of heart and
goes to see Bet. Sadly, they cannot regain their friendship.
Rita: You’ve turned into a hard,
petty woman. I feel sorry for you. Do us all a favour and leave and take that
vulgar ring with you.
Bet: You still think you’re a cut
above. You can put on all the airs and graces you like – you only run a toffee
Rita: I was a fool to come here and
think I could salvage something.
come and go, but Rita and Bet had been very close over the years. I’d like to
bet (!) that in all our lives there is someone, a once valued friend who is no
longer in your life. And that fact makes you sad.
By Ruth Owen

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Once again, Ruth, with one of your sensitive posts, you've pointed out out something I love about Corrie but couldn't quite articulate. I have a hole the shape of a former best friend and no amount of hope or trying will fix it. For a soap to catch that real world emotional chasm exceeds all expectation. Wow!
Thank you Abby K - really appreciate it. So sorry to hear about your friend. I too have no contact now with an old friend - very sad. And yes, how brilliant for Coronation Street to capture that feeling of loss in friendships which have ended.
The other very sad Bethany line was where she told Shona that she felt like she was rubbed out.
Corrie does drama so well, and the writers can find these lines that are spot on, absolutely perfect for the characters.
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