Monday 24 July to Friday 28 July 2017
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Isn't Liz's new boss called Moira? have to be kidding. Leanne has two kids,no partner, no real place to live and she's going to fund Toyah's IVF rather than save it for taking care of her own children? The way these characters magically come up with thousands of dollars and throw it away is ridiculous.
Zagg, well said! How foolish is that! Her children's future should be her number one priority. I am so tired of the IVF story. Does Peter realistically want another child? He barely pays attention to the one kid he already has - Leeanne is raising him. I am not looking forward to sour faced Toyah behind the bar.
1000% agree! I really wish Toyah would leave, really hated her and this IVF story. It's so dull.
Here's how it should go: Leanne moves in, Toyah is upset. Peter realizes he chose the wrong Battersby and Toyah packs up and leaves. I wouldn't mind seeing Peter and Leanne run the bar. Heck bring Liz and Steve in too, after all they're all connected now through Leanne's kids
Any woman who has a well-discussed infertility will get pregnant when she has a one-nighter with the wrong guy and it is all to be kept a big secret. Hey, I didn't write the rules.
Toyah just seems to whinge all the time and does not even give a stuff about peter just babies. She should go and live with janice
I just think it's weird that Leanne is moving in with Peter and Toyah because she is Peters Ex., sisters or not, that wouldn't work out.
And let's not even get started on the invisible, impossible and implausible expanding walls and bedrooms upstairs at the Rovers!
Why hasn't someone suggested to Toyah that she should just have a one-nighter with Steve? Pregnancy guaranteed and money saved, lol
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