Next week in Coronation Street we’ll see Gina’s money troubles come back to bite her on the backside.
We know she’s got money problems and we also know that she’s not able to control her spending because of her bipolar condition. So, when she flogs Fiz a china figurine for £40, Gina makes out it’s a valuable antique. Will Fiz’s find make her the envy of her antiques class?
Gina then opens her post to discover a stack of unpaid bills. Oblivious to Gina’s financial worries, Sophie reminds her about the money she owes her.
Later, when Gina’s awarded a bonus at work for being the most productive factory girl, Sophie congratulates her sister whilst Gina shifts uncomfortably.
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Gina is a pointless character that should never have been brought back.What a waste of screen time.
Zagg, again I agree with you completely. I thought Sally had arranged for her to get a council flat, yet she seems to be living at Sallys. I have not warmed up to her at all and find her irritating.
I also dislike Gina who was brought in to justify a storyline for Sally and done nothing but sponge off her sister and brother-in law.
I hope this doesn't lead to another character in debt storyline with Tim and Sally being responsible for Gina's debts.
Lots of people on here have asked for years for Gina's return. Returning characters don't always go to plan, eg Toyah, Gina and especially Brian.
I have to agree, the character could have been really good, but the storyline is just dragging on and with no point. Who is coming up with some of these ideas?
Agree with Tilly Flop and that's why it would be a mistake to bring Carla Connor back, an idea which has recently been urged on here.
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