All is not well at the medical centre next week in Coronation Street. Liz is trying to get to grips with her new job after being ousted from behind the bar at the Rovers Return. She’s like a fish out of water, of course.
And so, when Eileen calls in the medical centre to find her friend Liz looking subdued at the reception desk, Liz explains how her boss Moira is making her life a misery.
Moira reprimands Liz for gossiping with Dr Gaddas when she should be working and when Liz offers Moira some advice, Moira’s quick to put her down telling her to stick to answering the phone.
Steve is going to hate seeing his mum so upset and sad and he suggest to Peter in the Rovers that he offers his mum her job back behind the bar. Will Peter offer Liz the job? And will she accept?

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