What are your thoughts on Moira so far in Coronation Street? Branded as a 'battleaxe' when she was previewed to turn up in our favourite show, I feel she's more of a workplace bully. And she's one that Liz would have made mincemeat of, had she spoken to Liz in the pub the way that she's speaking to her behind the counter at the medical centre.
Liz is like a fish out of water away from her pub and in her new job. Beverley Callard, who plays Liz, is playing a blinder, showing a side to Liz we haven't seen in some time. Away from the Rovers Return, Liz is going to have to learn to survive in a different world. Her pub's only across the road but it might as well be a million miles away.
But what of Moira? I don't like her, and perhaps that's the point. I'm feeling Liz's pain and anger towards her new situation through the portrayal of Moira on screen. Or maybe I need to get out more.
And I can't have been the only Corrie fan who noticed the resemblance between Liz in her new job and that of Joyce Temple-Savage working the check-in desk at the Solana hotel in ITV's Benidorm. If only Bev Callard could make a guest appearance on that show as Joyce's long-lost sister. Imagine.
So how do we feel about Moira, then? Will Liz rise up to the challenge and stick in her job? Or will she stick it to Moira, walk out and return to the Rovers? I hope it's the latter, I really, really do.
Corrie fans have already launched a petition to get Liz to return to the Rovers Return. You can find out more here.
And son Steve suggests to Peter that he might want to take her back too. Find out more here.
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What do I think of Moira?
Not Much.
I don't think we're supposed to like her and I don't. I wonder if they will do a workplace bully storyline. Would be something new. Wouldn't have to last that long because Liz won't put up with it
She's certainly a work-place bully but, like a lot of Corrie characters at the moment, totally 2-dimensional and OTT. Just like Liz being portrayed as a dope, not understanding professional conduct in that sort of work environment. In fact, given her past employment where she knew many of the patients, I'm not sure she'd have got the job in the first place. it's a short-lived storyline as Liz will either get the sack or storm out. Isn't Steve going to get her some shifts at the Rovers? She'll get more of them when Toyah cuts her hours down (my guess). Work place bullying is a great theme for a storyline and Jenny might fit the bill if she got the right job at the factory.
Love your Joyce Temple-Savage connection. And Bev appearing in Benidorm would be good too. I don't think Liz will walk. She's too strong for that. Do we know how long Moira has a contract for? Because there's no need for her character to be in Corrie if Liz leaves her job
Does annoy me the way Liz has to bend down to look at the computer screen, do they not have chairs?
Being a high level manager myself, I would not put up with Moira's bullying of new staff. Her job is to ensure that the new employee, Liz, is up to the job. First, she (Moira) hired Liz without properly assessing her. Second, she did not train her adequately. And third, she leaves her alone, knowing full well Liz is not ready to work unsupervised. If Moira was my supervisor, we'd have some very pointed conversations. She is a poor boss and a bully.
Well said Anon at 18:54. But Liz has been ill served by the scriptwriters, who have her behaving like a naughty schoolgirl who blames the teachers instead of trying to learn the job. And of course all receptionists have chairs!
I was thinking the SAME THING!!
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