It's all change at the Rovers Return as Peter and Toyah take over the reins. Find out what's going to happen, it's all here.
Gina's past comes to catch up with her with the extent of her debts becomes known. But who does she borrow from and why is Fiz taken in by Gina's lies? Read more on that here.
Since she left the Rovers Return, Liz McDonald has been like a fish out of water. And after a humiliating start to her new job at the medical centre, could Liz be on her way back to life behind the bar? Find out more here.
Why are Norris and Mary dressed up in such ridiculous clothes? And could it have anything to do with Norris' competition entry for the Mr and Mrs competition? Find out more here.
Billy and Todd have a lot on their plates this coming summer, with Summer herself joining them! Find out what happens here.
Meanwhile, at the Bistro, there's an explosion as drug dealer Rich begins his campaign of revenge against Robert. Find out more here.
Eagle-eyed Corrie fans will notice there are six, not five, big spoilers in this week's round up of upcoming storylines. Well done.
Read more Corrie news, interviews and spoilers

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The reigns...?
Ahem. Changed it, thank you!
I think the above post may explain Norris and Mary's outfits... ?
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