Here's another suggestion for your perusal, good readers. May I suggest that it might be Nicola Rubinstein, Phelan's newly discovered daughter? It's true, we don't know anything about her yet aside from her paternity and that she's a case worker for troubled youth. She's in the right age bracket, with a birthday in May, 1990 making her 27. Kate's the same age, turning 28 on October 5 according to Corriepedia. (which is a tad older than I thought she was).
We haven't heard Nicola mention a husband, children or other partner of either sex yet and maybe we will in the coming weeks but until I'm definitely proven wrong, I'm throwing Nicola's hat in the ring. So far, I like this character quite a lot. She stands up for herself, she seems to take no guff off Phelan (or Seb), she's smart and seems to be good at her job and she obviously cares for the young kids in trouble that she tries to help. I would quite like it if she and Kate got together and we saw more of her on our screens.
Tvor @tvordlj on Twitter

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Terrific suggestion. Love the idea of Kate and Nicola becoming a couple. Nicola Thorp is growing into the character so quickly and hopefully will be around for a lengthy stay.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was her, I've been getting a very lesbian vibe off her since she joined the show. I would prefer Nicola to Rana.
what an inspired idea! that would be an interesting match, and definitely preferable to the married Rana, although I'm still hoping (unpopular opinion i know) that it will be Alya Kate ends up with.... due to the faith aspect which would be interesting to portray and explore, and also because i'd like to see a nicer side to Alya.
As long as she doesn't give up her job to stitch knickers or pull pints. Nicola seems brighter and more mature than Kate, not sure how real world suitable they are, but it might make Johnny and Phelan squirm a bit. Or at least give two good actors some scene time together.
Well, anything's possible but the spoilers said we'd be shocked. It seemed to imply that the new love would be someone we'd seen in a heterosexual relationship. I'm still going for Alya but I don't find that particularly shocking either. More material, as mentioned above, with the faith element.
I think she'd be better than Rana.
Well, if it's Nicola, I would indeed be shocked that the show just keeps anchoring Phelan more and more with family coming over instead of starting on his comeuppance and exit storyline.
jeanie (anon):
Would make sense and be a refreshing change from the incestuous on-street partner swapping we see now. But I agree with Humpty--not enough of a shock element, way too normal. Also no room for conflict or drama since no one has prior expectations for Nicola and everyone knows and accepts Kate's sexuality. Would be a snore fest. I'm betting on Rana--and that's the big secret of her past that both her parents and her former boyfriend hinted of. It would explain her early over-the-top herterosexual behavior and her weird eagerness to wed Zeedan as classic over-compensation and denial. Plus we'll have the shock element of adultery--but with another woman, not a man, which is a bit edgier than the usual. If she were bi, she might actually end up being torn between Zeedan and Kate (as opposed to accepting that she's a lesbian) which would be relatively interesting as far as these eternal soap love triangles go.
that's... a really good observation! i hadn't thought of it that way at all but now you mention it, it makes loads of sense.
Kate's new relationship is supposed to be a big shock for viewers, according to an interview with the actress. I'm wondering if instead of Nicola, it ends up being Moira from the Medical Centre!!?
When the spoiler was released, they said was a current cast member. She wasn't on the show yet. My bet is on Rosie.
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