This week's Inside Soap magazine is a real treat for Coronation Street fans.
Inside Soap are celebrating their 25th birthday at the moment and each week they've had photo shoots with different soap cast members. This week, in the magazine out today, it's the turn of the Corrie cast. You'll have to buy the magazine to see the pictures, which are great.
In an interview with Beverley Callard, who plays Liz McDonald, that runs along side the photoshoot, she reveals a new fella's coming in to the show for Liz.
Asked if Liz will find love again, Bev says: "Oh, I hope so! I think she may be about to, but how long it will last I don't know.
"Our boss Kate Oates told me she'd cast someone hot and I said "You'd better!"
Beverley also talks about playing Liz, her favourite lines and her least favourite clothes. She says she misses Anne Kirkbride, who played Deirdre. "Annie was my best mate and I think about her all the time," she says. "I still find it hard visiting the Barlows set."
On-screen, Liz is about to start a new job where she'll rub up against new battleaxe character Moira. You can find out more here.
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I would've liked to see the guy she was seeing last year. He seemed nice.
I'd like to see Big Jim back on the Street - he and Liz were meant to be together.
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