This is an amazing find, via John at Corriepedia, of some of the 1960s Coronation Street cast imagined as characters from Alice in Wonderland. The team at Corriepedia is undergoing a big project to document the history of Coronation Street in the TV Times. You can read about the project and the progress of it here. It's quite interesting!
It's set up as a dream that Jennifer Moss (Lucille Hewitt) apparently had of her fellow cast members as Lewis Carroll characters that intrigued the TV Times so much that they created this awesome scene for their 1965 Christmas special.
The accompanying article says that the cast "joined quickly in the fun". I'm a bit surprised they'd all dress up for something like this but then it's publicity and it very likely did happen. Designer Denis Parkin is the creative mind behind it with Warwick Bedford as photographer. The scene is set, with the character names as follows:
Against a cartoonish Street set, we have Ena Sharples, top and centre as the Duchess and Emily Nugent as her cook to the right. To her left is White Rabbit, aka Elsie Tanner with her long legs and bunny ears. The King and Queen of Hearts are the hosts and naturally that's Annie and Jack Walker. On either side of the long rooftop we have Stan Ogden and Lionel Petty (who was running the corner shop at the time) as the Fish Footman and the Frog Footman with Hilda Ogden and Sandra Petty, Lionel's daughter, as the cards.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee can only been Len Fairclough and Jerry Booth and Mad Hatter Charlie Moffat is serving tea to The March Hare, Albert Tatlock who looks as if he'd rather be anywhere else but there! We round off the cast with the ear to ear grin of the Cheshire Cat in the tree, Minnie Caldwell.
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