Next week on Coronation Street, Liz and Steve sell the pub to Peter and Toyah.
Aware that leaving her beloved pub will be a huge wrench, Sean presents Liz with a lucky charm to take with her to her new job.
Once she’s sold the pub, Liz starts work as a receptionist at the medical centre and soon finds herself clashing with her new boss, Moira.
Moira is going to be, and I quote from the press release “a battleaxe”. Ooh, I like the sound of her already.
But she’s going to have a few run-ins with Liz as Liz settles into her new job, so that doesn’t sound so great.
Moira Pollack will be played by Louiza Patikas who played Helen Titchener in The Archers.
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Hasn't it occurred to anyone living on Coronation street that there are jobs and opportunities beyond, say, 200 metres from the Rovers?
Yeah but it wouldn't be so much fun. They rightly try and show Coronation St. as a community with all the things real places have. Keep up the brilliant work Corrie. X
How come anyone on Coronation Street can be a medical receptionist with no training?
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