Gary gets a shock next week in Coronation Street when an old army mate of his turns up. His mater’s called Joe and he’s got some surprise news for Gary.
Joe tells Gary he’s running his own private security firm out in the Ukraine. He turns Gary’s head with news about how much money he could make out there, and offers Gary a job.
How will Gary react? I do hope he doesn’t leave, not Gary!
Joe will be played by actor Chord Melodic. What a wonderful name.
Chord has appeared in Coronation Street before, back in 2014 as a character called Lozza who turned up in the Dog and Gun pub. You can read more on that on Corriepedia.

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Let's hope is Gary leaves to do "security work" in the Ukraine he takes Chesney along with him.
Gary's ex-army mates always seem to turn up. He should probably organise a reunion so he's not being constantly surprised by them.
jeanie (anon):
lol. Especially considering he was only in the army for a very short time before going AWOL. And, unlike Gary, they always seem to have thriving private businesses on the go!Wish things were always that rosy for retired military personnel.
Perhaps its a ruse to get Gary over to the Ukraine then sell him into prostitution? Why does it always have to be Ukraine girls lured into sex work work, lets turn the tables for once.
Never mind sex work, Anon @ 17:36, a security firm in Ukraine sounds dodgy enough! Often very good money, but not connected to government bodies and can be a law unto themselves.
I hope he goes and takes Sarah, Bethany and Harry with him. I wouldn't miss any of them. Unfortunately, it will probably be just Gary. I'm wondering if the actor wants to leave. He has been little more than a background character hanging around Sarah's place. We never, ever see him with the kid he wanted so badly.
I won't mind if he leaves with his mum, taking Sarah, Bethany and Faye with him.
No,no, not Gary! He is one of the main reasons I watch the Street!
You beat me to that joke lol. Although, the way Anna hollers at her kids, I doubt she will let Gary go.
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