Coronation Street's battleaxes are old women, right? Preferably wearing a hairnet and wielding an acid tongue? Well, not any more.
Next week in Coronation Street we'll see the arrival of newcomer Moira. She's Liz's new boss when Liz starts working in the Medical Centre after selling up at the Rovers Return.
She's also billed in the ITV previews as being "a battleaxe". It's a character stereotype that producer Kate Oates has long said is missing from the show and it looks as if the battleaxe is now back where she belongs.
Moira is going to be played by ex-Archers actress Louiza Patikas. You can find out more about her here.
Louiza said: "I'm cock-a-hoop to be working on Coronation Street. It's a fantastic show which I've always loved for its superb writing and iconic characters”.
Producer Kate Oates has also praised the actress and said we will "enjoy her amazing talent for comedy."
See also: B is for Battleaxe
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Will it turn out that Moira already knows Liz - as the erstwhile landlady of the pub 6 yards from her place of work? If not, then she doesn't patronise the Rovers ... so shouldn't suddenly start to do so.
No doubt as she's a lot younger, people will not call her a battleaxe, but a harridan. This word is only ever used in the same sentence as Anna Windass or possibly Michelle Connor. I've never heard anyone called it in any other context
Oboy...another beyotch to add to the rest of the beyotches.
Ex Archers? Louiza is still in it and I hope she continues to be for some time. I'm sure the voices will be quite different.
No, Ena, Blanche, and Sylvia (I miss her) were battle-axes.
This woman, not so much. Bitchy maybe, but not a battle-axe.
So Liz just waltzes into a job she has no experience of whatsoever?!
Surely there are other pubs Liz could get a job managing? You'd think that getting a job in another neighbourhood was on the other side of the moon!
How in the world is Liz remotely qualified for the job? She has only worked in pubs (not that there is anything wrong with that) but she would need computer skills at least.
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