Now, the twins adore Mary and she adores them. The arrangement works so well and not only is there mutual affection, there is also a good deal of mutual respect. Mary has those 2 children eating out of her hand. She is no pushover though and ensures homework is done, teeth are brushed and good manners in abundance.
Enter Erica into this cosy and smooth running arrangement. The children have structure, love and they know exactly what to expect. Put Erica into the mix, an unknown quantity and it is perfectly understandable that they will feel put out. So far, between the twins and Erica, things haven't gone well. Though the twins may not be able to articulate their feelings, it seems more than likely that they fear that Erica will be intent on taking their father away from them. They've lost one parent after all.
In Monday's episodes Erica threw herself into the Hallowe'en spirit by having a go at apple-bobbing which was rather sporting of her. At least she's trying. I refuse point blank to claim that because she doesn't have children herself, she is not able to cope with them or deal with them. Absolute and utter nonsense! Besides, Mary has no children of her own, but we all witness her brilliance with Asha and Aadi. (And we all remember what happened to Andrea Leadsom, when she called out Theresa May for having no children).
My advice to Erica would be to hold on. Let the children get used to her being around from time to time, but maintain independent living arrangements for a while. Dev and Erica will probably appreciate each other more that way. There's no rush and as each of them have lived independently, they may find it difficult to adjust. So, Erica, you have been warned!
Ruth Owen, twitter: @Ruth1722
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I fail to see why 11 year olds (they look 14) need a Nanny? That house will be quite crowded and if Mary continues on as the Nanny what role is Erica expected to play?
Dev's partner?
Erica has no desire to be a parent. So I am sure she will appreciate Mary's presence. On the other far her interaction with the kids is almost painful.....
Also...who is Andrea Leadsom and Theresa May?
Theresa May is the British Prime Minister. Andrea Leadsim was a contender for the job.
After seeing what other children on that street get up to without constant surveillance,like Fay and Chesney having children much too early, being bullied or that they weren't on the right track at school without their parent's discovering it like Bethany, I'd say it's obvious why even a teen would be better off with a nanny than on their own, doing as they please, from the end of school until bedtime.
Erica will just have to find a way to fit in. She's not particularly interested in watching them but she likes them and loves Dev so it should all work out in the end.
You think eleven year olds should be cooking their own meals, doing their own laundry & shopping? Really?
I think that poor old house is going to be mighty crowded. I bet the kids leave as soon as they can.
Err, they're only 10! They can't leave until they're at least 16, possibly 18 and that's not exactly in the near future
actually, it seems the kids have been aged a year because in Seрtember they both started at Weatherfield High - which you have to be eleven to do, so in January they will be 12. The actors рlaying the roles are both currently 14 years old (John H)
I don't know where to рut this, so I'll just leave it here :) I'm interested to know more about the Nazirs' back story as they don't seem to have one. We know they are muslims, but from which country? how and why did they move to Britain? How long have they been here? do they still contact or have relatives in their motherland? I asked this question to corrieрedia and they had no idea either. It seems they just landed on corrie from mars!! i find it incredible that a whole family could be written into a soaр with no history, back story or connections with the рast at all - very рoor writing indeed if it's true! sonia btw looks very indian, that's what got me thinking (John H)
I don't think it has ever been explained where the Nazir's family came from originally but since the show hired actors who speak without an accent,it wouldn't surprise me if both Sharif and Yasmeen were born in GB.
Kal, their son, served with Gary and that was his original link on Corrie. I hope someone remembers a detail but it seems to me that this family has never had a backstory at all. The show may finally have to make one up if Zeedan is getting married since relatives will turn up.
It has been briefly mentioned that the family originate from Pakistan. Alya has been to university and Yasmeen was a librarian. Jamila, Zeedan and Alya's mum has passed away. That to me is all I need to know
I remember Dev & Sharif having an argument about soccer and whether India or Pakistan were better so that is about that. Does it really matter?
I think it's great that the twins are looked after so well. Other children on the street aren't and the fall out shows. I think that Mary 'mother's' them and is not really a 'nanny'. They aren't bratish, sarky or cheeky like Amy. Sulky and moody like Simon and are usually kept so busy and occupied with projects and stuff to do that I doubt they'd have time to get into the trouble poor Faye did.
It's ludicrous that we are expected to believe that most of the houses on the street can hold as many people as they seem to. All of the houses on the old side were originally 2 bedroom with a very small third room that was converted to a bathroom in all of them over time. That means they're all 2 bedroom houses. A few have a downstairs "front" room. Number 1 has it, where Uncle Albert, later Blanche and currently Amy sleep. Number 11 has a space or room which is where Sean used to sleep. The front "rooms" of Numbers 13 and 9 used to be sitting rooms where they would watch television. I think 13 is still that but not sure about 9, they may possibly be small bedrooms. We know Tyrone and Fiz put a room in the Loft and Number 7 has a loft room where Curly had his telescope.
The houses on the newer side, I believe were all three bedrooms upstairs, or at least Gail's is.
These teeny tiny flats should only have one bedroom each but apparently many have two and Maria's possibly has three which is also ridiculous because it shares the building with the taxi firm which also has a two bed flat over it. It's something we've had to patently ignore over the years, the fact that some of the houses and flats must be stacking the tennants like cordwood in the corners and yet Audrey Roberts lives in an enormous house by herself!
They can be a bit sullen and precocious though, especially Asha
Lol! Maybe now that we've been told the bistro has a monumental cellar, they're going to explain the extra room by saying all these bedrooms we can't see are underground.
Maricha! I love it. Mystery solved.
Spinoff= Corrie Underground lol
Think of the possibilities.:-)
There could also be secret passages, contraband, hidden treasures coming to light.
All much more fun than us wondering how all these people are supposed to fit in what should be tiny homes.
Maricha, the actors who play Yazmeen and Sharif DO have an accent, although none of Kal, Zeedan or Alya do.
Poor Mary is an all-round dogsbody rather than a nanny, as she seems to do all the cooking and cleaning. Also, I find it hard to believe that 11-year-olds wouldn't object to Mary constantly addressing them as "children".
That 'children' thing makes me cringe too. It's all a bit Enid Blyton.
I LOVE all the comments about the cellar, underground rooms, etc. Just think, we won't have to watch the fashionistas tripping over the cobbles in their stiletto heels. Now that in itself is a plus.
Ps I'm getting really tired of Captcha - always the same verify pics.
Yeah, the credibility of the 'elastic wall's gets rather 'stretched' doesn't it? LOL. Dev's house is bursting at the seams as it is.
With no mother figure in the house, and Dev busy bringing home the bacon, it makes sense to have Mary there to look after the children....and at 11(or even 12) children they still are.
That situation works very well, not sure how Erica's going to fit in.
As Dev's partner maybe?
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