This Christmas on Coronation Street, I would like to see the following:
1. Rita singing in the Rovers.
2. Tim getting drunk and seeing Santa Claus sitting on top of Sally's conservatory roof.
3. Gemma getting tiddly on sherry with Rita in her flat
4. Jenny flaming Bradley snogging the face off Johnny Connor at the Underworld Christmas party.
5. Ken to make a full recovery and kick some butt in the Barlow house.
6. Mary and Norris to share a kiss under the mistletoe.
7. Number 6 repeated, this time with Freddie and Audrey.
8. Eileen to throw Phelan out on Christmas Eve, he has to wander the streets in the snow.
9. Gail's sprouts to be cooked to perfection
10. Snow. Lots of snow. There's nothing quite as magical as a Weatherfield winter wonderland.
But never mind me, what would make YOUR Christmas viewing extra special on Corrie?
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1. Rita singing
2. Regulars reminiscing in the Rovers
3. Norris, Brian and Sean's Christmas Day shenanigans
4. Classic Barlow Christmas to do
5. A mention of Hilda's farewell do
6. Some Christmas cheer
7. Snow
8. Christmas carols
9. Emily cameo on Christmas Day
10. Ken doing a reflective speech.
1. Rita singing in the Rovers
2. Tim falling asleep drunk whilst Sally thinks he's still listening.
3. The Nazir's making peace and sharing a family dinner.
4. A happy day around the Barlow table with Ken reminiscing about Christmas past and Tracy shedding g a tear missing Deirdre.
5. Eileen giving Phelan the boot and him spending a freezing night in the Builder's Yard Office.
6. David and Gail toasting Kylie and Michael and having a very quiet Christmas.
7. Toyah's return and her and Eva eyeing each other up as who is the better sister.
8. Gemma and Alex getting tipsy in the Rovers and snogging under the mistletoe.
9. Christmas Day in Norris's house and all the shenanigans that come with the three of them.
10. The surprise Christmas miracle of Emily returning.
1. Charlie's ghost visits Tracy in her dreams and shows her Corrie Past, Corrie Present, Corrie Future. God bless us everyone!
2. Ken reminisces with Peter about Deirdre and what a swine he was to her.
3. Emily arrives home.
4. Rita gets a Christmas card from a secret admirer.
5. Todd comes clean to Eileen about the scam and she throws him and Phelan out. Todd stays with Billy but Phelan is homeless.
6. Sally decides to start a business with Tim.
7. Fiz, Maria, Caz, Kate, Chesney, Sinead go off on a coach trip. Ooooooo!!!
8. Snow and cards go together.
9. Steve and male friends put on a mummers play in the Rover's. What could possibly go wrong?
10.A stranger comes into the Rover's and is smitten with Mary.
1)More Tim
2)Sean and Norris in the house
3)More Billy
4)Less Platts -especially Sarah and Gail
5)Faye to dump Seb (he's trouble)
6)Bethany to make some friends, stop obsessing over Gary
7)Anna to make a full recovery and find some happiness
8)More Audrey and Freddy
9)More Erica
10)More Liz and less Michelle behind the bar
fire half the cast and make all our christmas wishes come true :)
The sight of Caz disappearing into the distance.
The sight of Emily reappearing from the distance.
1. The Nazir's go out for Chinese food. They aren't Christian, what else do you do? Jews all across America, like me and my mom, do it, it's fun, esp when you run into friends and neighbors.
2. Instead of the usual David kickoff, a quiet reflective day for him and Max. Gail notices.
3. Toyah! Oh boyah!!! (It's an old American advertising thing ;) )
4. Erica breaks up with Dev due to lack of chemistry. Moves into the Rovers room Aiden vacated. Works behind the bar, filling in for Steve and Michelle who are busy with their other businesses, baby, Amy,... We get more Liz and Erica time. Win win.
5. Alya sells the machine to Johnny and gives up her claim to ownership. Pays back Yasmeen.
6. Eggnog fueled tree trimming Chez Cole is interrupted by important Emily news, good or bad.
7. The Cole House brings their Emily news, good or bad, to the Rovers which is in full singalong high spirits. Merriment/sadness ensues. Who is going to tell Ken?
7. Caz is carted off to prison for attempting to frame Maria for murder, credit card fraud and unauthorized spying.
8. Amy cottons on to cousin Adam's dastardly doings. Goes full Blanche on him.
9. In spite of Leanne's best efforts, Simon wants to spend Christmas with his dad (Nick does not). For once in his life, this kid has a happy holiday.
Slightly off-toрic but was Toyah named after Toyah Wilcox (the singer) or am I way off the mark?
1 Return of Emily, even if it's only for a couple of episodes.
2 No one being miserable, unless they deserve it, is Phelan. The bereaved characters will be sad but please, no one in prison or dumped by their partner etc
3 Mary and Brian get together.
4 Plenty of humour, eg Liz and Erica, Rita/Norris/Mary etc
5 Audrey and Freddie.
6 Tommy to return.
7 Becky to return for a flying visit to see Roy and David, Max and Lily. Now happily married, with her own baby.
I can't think of any more, but I love some of the other suggestions!
Should be ie Phelan.
One more suggestion please can the pointless Kate please leave. Nothing whatsoever against the actress, I simply cannot stand the character. She acts like a spoilt 12 year old sponging off her father - high time she grew up.
1, Happy family times reflecting on the joy of being together.
2. Everyone to be nice to each other and forget old feuds.
3 Nick to stop behaving like a spoilt Mummy's boy.
4. Leanne to come to her senses and remember when first pregnant she vowed to raise the child alone.
5. Jenny to take the smug look off her face and remember that not so long ago, she suffered people being nasty to her.
6. Every single character to recall their past and refrain from judging every one else with their selective memories
7. Fiz and Tyrone to discover where their children having been hanging out.
8. Maria to stand on her own feet and concentrate on Liam instead of constantly playing games with men.
9. Mary to find a funny and supportive companion.
10.Erica to wake up to how boring Dev is and how she is not appreciated by him or his kids.
Mary is WAY TOO YOUNG to kiss Norris! Brian and Mary, perhaps.
An explosion that destroys the entire faktry, taking the majority of the Connors with it but opening the Street to some other sort of commerce! The Platts are flooded out and have to live with Audrey for awhile... in that house we rarely see. Cathy, Nessa and Alex are chased out of town by an angry crowd of carolers bearing pitch-forks and burning torches. The Nazirs are misidentified as a family with close ties to a terrorist sleeper cell and spend the entire holiday being interrogated at a local detention centre.
You are correct.
1. Billy discovers a whole road of empty houses on the opposite side of the ginnel, finds the landlord and rents one for him and Todd.
2. Sara and her two kids move in next door to Billy.
3. Kirk,Beth and Craig move in next door to Sara.
4. Peter moves in next door to Kirk.
5. Tracy moves in next door to Peter.
6. Mary moves in next door to Tracy.
That'll do for me.
Anonymous at 01.28- Hahahahaha! Brilliant
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