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What a week it’s been in Weatherfield. What. A. Week. So much has happened I don’t know where to start or indeed, where to stop. A lot has gone on and if I’m not careful I could be here this time next week telling you what’s happened, how and why. So, I’ll be quick and join me as we go on a whistle-stop tour of events from the cobbles. Are you ready? On your marks, get set… and here we go!
Michael Rodwell died this week, clutching his heart as he tried – and failed - to do his bit to bring Phelan down. Phelan didn’t kill Michael, not directly, but neither did Phelan do anything to help Michael when a heart attack felled the fella. Michael was snooping around Phelan’s yard and found his fake passport. He knew the flats were a fraud and the sales were a scam.
Anna also knew after Faye nicked Phelan’s phone and Anna heard a voice message from Vinny giving their game away. Why then, when Anna was armed with that knowledge and she could have blackmailed Phelan – or gone to the cops - she then invited him into her flat and offered to bribe him to move away with a measly two thousand pounds, I don’t know. I don’t understand. Did I miss something? Anna had the knowledge, the truth, in her hand, and she could have helped bring Phelan down.
Instead, Phelan fake-proposed to Eileen and she said a proper yes. Phelan plans to do a runner next week, with Vinny, to Mexico, only Eileen doesn’t know that, not yet.
Elsewhere this week, the Barlow clan beefed up with the arrival of Adam Barlow (Ken’s grandson) and Daniel Osbourne (Ken’s son). It’s getting awfully crowded inside No. 1 especially now that Ken’s home from hospital too. But fear not, for Daniel has a rota.
Another rover returned this week in the shape of Brian Packham. He’s split up with Julie because “she wouldn’t let me have a caravan”. Brian’s now working as the Environmental Health Inspector for Weatherfield Council and has been called to inspect the Bistro after Adam Barlow reported it the council. But it’s not the food that Adam had a problem with, or the drink, it’s Robert’s attitude. As far as Adam Barlow’s concerned (and let’s not forget he’s Mike Baldwin’s son) there’s only room for one alpha male in the Bistro, and he thinks it should be him. He also swans into Underworld as if he owns the place, which undoubtedly he will very soon.
Fortunately all these new arrivals have stolen the scenes from the ridiculous Maria storyline. She’s been arrested for murder despite no body being found and no-one’s been killed. Caz, we presume, is still lurking under streetlamps.
Faye’s boyfriend Seb is turning into a right nasty piece of work. He’s bullying Faye and complaining that she’s spending too much time with Craig. Craig, meanwhile, has had his application to become a special constable accepted and he takes a dim view of Seb’s fake DVDs in his rucksack.
Sarah and Gary go public with their relationship this week and Gail’s not best pleased. But then, when’s she ever? Poor Gail though, another husband has gone and died on her this week. And when she finds out that Michael’s had a heart attack and has gone to the great ice-cream van in the sky, she’ll be beside herself with grief, yet again.
Gemma’s excited to meet Peter Andre next week at the Weatherfield Good Samaritan awards. The only problem is, she’s got nothing to wear. Worse still, she’s got nowhere to live. Chesney finds out that she’s living in the kebab shop and warns her that she’ll have to leave because if Dev finds out, he’ll sack her. Rita takes Gemma in under her very fragrant and sequinned wing and lets her live in the flat with her and Jenny. Rita also tells Gemma she’s bought her a nice frock and some shoes to wear at the awards do – a beautiful scene.
Roy’s discomfort at his upcoming wedding to Cathy becomes clear, especially when Cathy buys a clock that counts down to the wedding day. Tick, tock – don’t do it, Roy – tick, tock.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Martin Allen and Ella Greenhill (Monday double); Ellen Taylor (Wednesday and Thursday); Chris Fewtrell (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at
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Mary and Brian - a match made in heaven? Oh I do hope they click.
You said it, FN, why didn't Anna go to the police with the phone? Can only think that 1) Nobody ever goes to the police for help. Their purpose is to arrive unannounced and nick the wrong person and 2) Anna is still a martyr, thinking that only she has the right answers. As for Caz, I expect this is going on till Christmas as we haven't yet heard that Rhea Bailey is off to panto. I do hope Peter has something to do pretty soon, like fending off his probable creditors who spy through the window. Chris G can do no wrong in my eyes even if he's given a c*** script.
From what I could gather, Michael suggested going to the police immediately, but Anna said no, the voicemail wouldn't be strong enough evidence. This was what led him to seek out proof. Gary later suggested to her that they go to the police but again she said no even though she feared Michael was in danger, this time because she thought he would go to jail for breaking into the site.
Another issue with Anna going to the police is the whole situation with Gary and Phelan. Enough time has passed that it probably would be a non-issue, but I'm sure that's probably in the back of her mind as well.
I loved the whole thing with Gemma and Rita. I'm hoping this turns into an awesome story line. Gemma was "just right" in this episode, enough bubbly and perky her without being over the top. Fingers crossed.
that is the problem with Corrie these days - nothing makes sense, why don't people do the obvious?? BECAUSE THAT IS THE SCRIPT THEY WERE GIVEN. No continuity, no plausible explanation, just poorly written scripts and directing.
"And how did you manage to aquire Mr. Phelan's phone, Mrs. Windass?" Er.. My daughter stole it. Objection, your honour. Case dismissed. Definitely needed hard evidence. The phone and the message on it weren't really specific enough and if the evidence was gained by break and enter, it probably wouldn't be admissable either.
Rita has become a modern day Fairy Godmother,first with Jenny and now Gemma.I'm looking forward to more scenes with these two!
I'm sorry but I think Cathy buying a 'countdown clock'is a little creepy.I think she's counting down the days when she [and Alex]get their hands on Roy's flat, the café and his savings rather than spending the rest of her life with Roy whom she claims she 'loves'.
I hope Roy finds the courage to end it soon!
"Rita has become a modern day Fairy Godmother,first with Jenny and now Gemma."
Don't forget Sharon Gaskell - Rita has a history of taking in young girls and 'nurturing' them - I find it very sinister lol
Cathy didn't buy the clock, a friend bought it for her and set it with the time and date to their wedding!
With so little information the best they could have done is taken it to an elected official like Sally. As a council member she could start snooping about to find out how far along that construction is and bring it to the police's attention that she was getting suspicious if she noticed issues, but beyond that, I don't know what anyone could do. It seems to me the deposits should have been in a holding account with Phelan and Vinny only able to use it as a guarantee they could borrow against from a bank, instead those funds have gone straight to them. There will only be enough tangible proof when one of them disappears with the cash. By the way, why does Sharif's leaving seem to leave Yasmeen on the hook? They know where he is and that he took the money out of the account.Surely going over there to seize his car and other possessions should cover a 14,000 pound withdrawal?
Don't like Adam, the way he is trying to get at Robert ( a guy he doesn't even know) is totally over the top.
Err. He's not even been on the street a week yet. Surely a bit sin to judge a character on one storyline?
Marchia's right. It's not like Sharif died, or left the country, he's only in Newcastle isn't he? Go and seize his assets, if he's got any.
Maria being arrested for murder when there's no body and no evidence is ridiculous. I hope that story comes to a close soon.
Where do the writers come up with this stuff?
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