But what could it be?
Well, Inside Soap tease the storyline by saying that Mary's bombshell leaves Norris speechless. We already know, in the previews already released by ITV for next week, that Mary faces a breast cancer scare.
This forces Mary to think about her own mortality and she starts work on a bucket list. In typical Mary style, the list is inside a ring binder. And it's a ring binder that Erica finds and she can't resist peeking inside. Erica tells Norris what she's found out about Mary and Norris tries to help Mary.
However, Inside Soap say that nothing can prepare Norris for what he's about to hear as Mary spills her deepest, darkest secret to him.
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Ten to a dozen, it is about her mother.
I thought we'd already learnt it's about a child she had to give up?
Got to be something about her family anyways--I was thinking a child she had given up for adoption, or maybe a sister or bother, or even her father--that would be a nice twist because we've heard so much about her mother, but little about dad. More important-Mary is finally getting a real story line--as opposed to that horrible tale last year when she was paired up with the gibbering cretin whose name, fortunately, I've wiped from my mind, but whose lascivious leering and groping scarred my retinas. jeanie
With all the clues that they have been leaving I'm sure it has something to do with a child that she had to give up for adoption. In tonight's episode you could see her look wistfully when looking at Daniel.
Yes, and she was also looking wistful when Ken was talking about being reunited with Adam and Daniel.
Defiantly something to do with a child she had to give up.
Completely agree. I'm so glad Mary is getting a real storyline.
She's really a man? ;)
Norris gets shocked over a dirty doorstep, so him being shocked is no big heralding of a great storyline. I'll take that with a grain of salt.
However, if it IS true, then all the better, since Mary is brilliant and I love whenever she is on screen!
Bring on Mother!
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