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Thursday 17 November 2016

Who are Adam and Daniel? See our Ken Barlow family tree!

Confused by Ken's family tree? Be confused no more, Corrie fans. Here's our family tree and explanations as to whom Adam Barlow and Daniel Osbourne are - and where Peter fits into it all.

Ken Barlow's first wife was Valerie. They had twins - Peter and Susan.

Ken and wife Valerie Barlow with their twins Susan and Peter Barlow
We know that Peter Barlow is returning. Susan grew up to a right little madam. She married Mike Baldwin and they had a son, Adam, pictured below. Then Susan died in a car crash. Adam is Ken's grandson. He was born in 1988 which makes him 28 years old now.

Adam Barlow is returning to Coronation Street. Read it all here.
Ken's grandson Adam Barlow with his dad, Mike Baldwin.
Ken had a fling with hairdresser Denise Osbourne and he fathered a child with her, Daniel Osbourne. Daniel was born in 1995 which will make him 21 years old now. 

Daniel Osbourne is returning to Coronation Street - read it all here.

Ken with Denise Osbourne and their son Daniel Osbourne
Ken married Deirdre and adopted Tracy. Tracy is not blood-related to Peter, Adam or Daniel.

Ken with Deirdre and adopted daughter Tracy
Ken also had a fling with Susan Cunningham and fathered Lawrence Cunningham.  Lawrence has two children - James and Chloe.  We've never seen Chloe on screen.

Ken with his grandson James Cunningham (left) and son Lawrence Cunningham (right)
And as for little Simon? He's Ken's grandson, Peter's son.

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Dave S said...

That was really useful, thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but just to further muddy the waters, you forgot to mention that James and Lawrence are also William Roache's real life sons - and James played the young Ken in the Road to Coronation Street. Keep it straight here. ;-)

C in Canada said...

Good Lordy, who could keep all that straight in your noggin?!

Glenda Young said...

Ha! I deliberately didn't mention Bill Roache's real sons were playing his on-screen sons. Far too confusing :-)

Louby said...

Susan must be the worst actor change ever! When she was in it 30 odd years ago she was quite short and blonde, then the actress who played her during her brief return was taller and had long, dark, curly hair. We complain about lack of continuity now but that was ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

yes Louby but when an actor changes and then stays for a while you forget the рrevious actors who рlayed them - think Tracey, Рeter, Nick,etc

Anonymous said...

I literally had to make up a chart to visualize it all. LOL...

Tvor said...

Adam at 28. Good age for Sarah, Alya, Rana (who would be all over him like a dirty shirt!), maybe Maria (he's a bit younger but still older than Luke).

Daniel at 21. That's about Steph's age, or Sinead, but too old for Bethany, maybe a tad young for Gemma who would probably scare the bejeesus out of him anyway, wrong sex for Kate or Sophie.

Not that I think either of them *should* be matched up but you know they're going to do it.

Louby said...

Good analysis Tvor. But what about Peter, he's bound to get paired off again. Gail's going to be single again soon isn't she?!

Cobblestone said...

But I have to ask myself what would be the reason for this gathering of the entire clan? A few months back, I had wondered if it might be for Ken's marriage to Audrey, but there doesn't seem time between now and October. But then we recall this great big explosion that we've been promised (or rather threatened with). You know, the one that will kill off an iconic character ...? Could a record-breaking run be about to come to an end?

On the other hand, we've been told Brian Packham's return will involve him being a good supportive friend to Ken, and he's not back till November. I'm looking forward to finding out the truth.

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember Adam was friends with Nick when he was young. If Adam is 28 how old are we supposed to believe Nick is??

Anonymous said...

@Cobblestone: if the spoilers are true, the iconic character slated to die is Maria's dog. Perhaps the writers are having a difficult time floating the Barlow family with only Ken, Tracy, Amy, and sometimes Simon. It seems like they're bringing in the cavalry to ensure that the dynasty doesn't die.

Louby said...

Anon at 2.42, could you be thinking of when Nick was friends with Mark Baldwin? Nick was born on new years day 80 or 81, so he's mid 30s, even if he looks way older!

Anonymous said...

In that picture, Little Simon looks like he could be Lloyd Mullaney's son/grandson.

Cobblestone said...

I think equating Ozzy with the 'iconic character' who is to die was a joke someone made along the line which some people have taken as fact. Even as Corrie dogs go, Ozzy is no Eccles, or Schmeichal, or even a Monica. Personally, I suspect Ozzy's death may be at the hands of the deranged Caz.

Cobblestone said...

I think you're mistaking Adam for Mark Redman, who was Mike Baldwin's middle son (or the Cordelia in the King Lear drama that played out around Mike's death). Mike himself mistook him for Adam at the climax of his Altzheimer storyline. He and 'Nicky' were indeed friends, although I seem to remember Mark's age was tweaked by a year or so to make them the same age. Paul Fox, the main actor who played him is now 37. Adam's character is ten years younger.

Anonymous said...

Tracy may be adopted - but as such I think Amy should have been listed as Ken's grand-daughter. :-)

Anonymous said...

Suррort for Ken on the death of Tracey, we can only dream ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to bringing the Barlows back as "main family". Time for Platts to take a LONG break, for its been them far too long. Lately I've been watching 2009 corrie and have been laughing so much at the Barlow scenes. Forgot what an iconic family they were.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Louby and Cobblestone you are both correct it was Mark. I forget the names.

Ancient corrier said...

I think Ken will be injured in the explosion and desperately ill in hospital, Adam,Daniel and Peter rush back in case he doesn't pull through.
But we all know how brilliant they are at the Weathy Hospital, so he'll be home in time for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I can't agree more with the post above, there is no way that Simon is Peter's biological child... considering his mother was pale as snow with blonde hair. Too right that he looks more like Lloyd's off-spring!

Pat said...

Why is Adam called Barlow and not Baldwin?
Ken is always claiming the moral high ground, with his track record of fathering and ignoring his children he should be ashamed of himself.

Pat said...

Just noticed my question about Adam's surname has been answered in another set of comments.

coconno196 said...

I see they've decided to make Adam arrogant and obnoxious, but surely even he wouldn't park his car in the middle of the road?!

Maricha said...

The last time I saw Simon's mom, when she was dying (of cancer?), she seemed to be a Black woman, not at all a pale blonde.
That may have been a casting choice made to be able to hire Simon but since that child actor was an unknown I don't know why the show would go out of their way to alter her race to explain his appearance.

Louby said...

Maricha, I'm not sure who you are thinking of but we didn't see Lucy die, it was all "off screen" because she had taken Simon to Australia to get away from Peter after the bigamy thing.

When Peter returned with Simon, I daresay Alex Bain was cast because he was quite cute, regardless of any physical appearance issues.

Maricha said...

But didn't we know she was dying at some point?
At any rate, what I was getting to is that I know the actress who was Simon's mother, at the time when he came to Coronation Street, did look like she could be his mom and with Peter having dark hair and eyes, I think Simon was well cast.
He doesn't look like Lloyd, he looks like the child his parents would have.

Anonymous said...

We only knew that Lucy had died when Ken got a phone call from Peter to say that she had died, then he turned up with Simon. I can't think of any dark women in Corrie who have died of cancer, at any time.

Maricha said...

I didn't say we saw her die just that we were aware it had happened.
If not in person, then it must be a picture or video Simon had of his mom that I saw because I remember thinking that Peter didn't have a type since Simon's mom looked nothing like Leanne. She did however look very much like Simon. I don't remember the actress who created the role of Lucy, which may be who the commenter I was replying to is describing, only the one who was Simon's mother when he came back to be with Peter.

Anonymous said...

Lucy Barlow (Peters florist wife) was played by a blonde Katy Carmichael 2002 - 2003.

Niclinblue said...

Denise Osbourne was pregnant with twins and only one survived which was Daniel.

MrDannyDetail said...

Sorry for coming to this conversation a little late....

Maricha I don't know who you are thinking of. When Simon's mother, Lucy Richards/Barlow, was in Corrie from 2002-2003 she was played by Katy Carmichael, and you can see from the photo at corripedia she was a fairly pale lady.
Lucy took Simon to Australia in 2003, as a result of the fallout from the revelation that Peter was a bigamist (he had married both Lucy, and Rovers landlady Shelley Unwin). Lucy was never seen on screen again. After this point Simon did not appear until Alex Bain took the role in 2008, and Simon's reappearance was because Lucy had already passed away and Peter had collected him to take custody of him, as per Lucy's dying wish (although that somewhat stretched believability, given how they had parted five years previously).

The only maternal relative Simon has seen since was his grandfather, George Wilson (presumably Lucy took her mother's maiden surname?). George had been estranged from Lucy, and had learned of Simon's existence in 2009 and tracked him down. When he saw that Peter was an unpredictable alcoholic he attempted to take custody of Simon, taking him away to Blackpool, but Simon ran away and returned to Peter. Perhaps you were thinking of George 's wife Eve, whom George had married at some point after separating from Lucy's mother?

The only other possibility is that during the storyline involving George and Eve they may perhaps have shown Simon a photo of Lucy's mother, George's estranged first wife?

Bobby Dazzler said...

Bored and checked this out...

Daniel indeed married Sinead and had a fling with Bethany
Adam marries Sarah
Great guesses Tvor!

Always with the pairings

Peter ends up with Carla...again

Bobby Dazzler said...

Adam is the grandson of Ken, the son of Mike Baldwin and Peter's twin sister. Adam is also the brother to Mark (Baldwins son) and Danny (Baldwin's other son)


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