In this week's TV Times, Jack is interviewed about David's upcoming storyline in which he goes after revenge for Kylie's death. We'll see him try to kill Clayton for Kylie's murder.
"When I first heard about the storyline, I wasn't over the moon with it as I'm not a big fan of something that involves stunts," he says. "I prefer dialogue and drama of a conversation between two people but it has been done exceptionally well and I think audiences will enjoy it."
Asked if he plans to leave the show, Jack says: "I would go out of my mind if I were just going into Roy's Rolls for a bacon barm. I couldn't do that. As long as I'm getting these dramatic storylines, I will stay."
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he may not be a big fan of stunts but he did a stellar job on chasing Clayton in the street, the ginnel, up the stairs etc. He made it look totally real and he is obviously in great shape. One of the few episodes that I really remember.
Oh, I soooo hope someone at the show reads this and writes it into the script for his character to just go into Roy's for a bacon barm...
Excellent news! Always been a big fan and I am delighted he has no plans to leave.
Good to hear. I like David and both his light and dark sides.
I also can't fault an actor for wanting interesting stories to play though David should sometimes take a breather and enjoy some bacon barms.
So pleased to hear this. To my mind Jack P Shepherd is one of the best actors in Corrie's stable. In fact, he is joint best with his onscreen sister, Sarah, played by Tina O'Brien.
This isn't a reflection of the character nor the actor but I am surprised that he's not considered exploring something else, as this was his first gig... from childhood.
Not quite. I remember he did the BBC's Clockin Off, where Sarah Lancashire played his mum. And, remarkably, his sister was played by ... Tina O'Brian. Then she got Corrie, and Jack followed her a little later.
But I do take your point. He's not done anything else as an adult actor. It would be interesting to see him in other rĂ´les, loath though I'd be to lose him.
The way David courts trouble I'm sure that at some point, if he wants to act in a movie, they'll just have him put in the slammer awaiting trial.
I'm glad he has no plans to leave. He's a fine actor and a credit to the show. He can do light humour or dark drama, he's got a wide range of skills to his credit.
Jack did act in a short film with Ian Puleston-Davies (Owen Armstrong), which was directed by Ben Price. It's release date is 13 November in the UK. I remember the film, Taubman, being mentioned here at the blog a short while back. There were also a couple of clips from it. Maybe one of our bloggers will see it and do a little write-up.
I just took advantage of the well-oiled search function here and found the blog-post about Taubman.
If you enter Taubman in the search box, Jack also mentions it in other posts.
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