The £350m Trafford Centre Metrolink line has been given the government green light - but Coronation Street bosses aren't happy about it, says the Manchester Evening News.
ITV bosses complained about the proposed new line because the noises of squealing wheels, bad vibrations and booming speaker announcements from the tram stop might be heard while they were filming Corrie.
Coronation Street said they knew nothing of the tram plan when they built the £10m set in 2013.
For those fans who like plans and maps and all that sort of thing, have a look at the Manchester Evening News website here for full details.
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Some squeaking wheels in the background would actually remind everyone there's meant to be a tram line on that viaduct, since they seem to have forgotten about it since the 50th.
Like Scott Wilson, I was under the impression that the street was near a train line- isn't that why a train could derail and cause trouble on Corrie a few years ago?
The studio should have been warned though. I'm sure there are precautions they could have taken to lessen the impact of a nearby train when they were building or they could have built elsewhere altogether.
There have been plans for a Trafford Metrolink line since at least 2001. ITV's objections are a bit late really.
I'm guessing that the tram sound in the background may just create problems when they do more than 1 camera take for the scene. In other words tram sound for 10 secs. no tram sound, then tram sound.
Could drive directors batty.
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