Ken is all set to go away on his trip until the shock return of a familiar face leaves him dumbfounded.
Our blogger Emma met and interviewed Chris Gascoyne, who plays Peter. Read her fab interview with the man himself him.
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Can't say I'm looking forward to it. Never was a Peter fan.
The total opposite of myself. I can't wait!
We're in danger of Barlow overload. Too many Barlows could be just as bad as too many Platts. Peter should make connections outside the family. Definitely, there's material with Steve when he inevitably discovers the truth about Leanne's baby. He could also form/revive a friendship with Robert, one that has nothing to do with Tracy. I'm looking forward to Peter returning and I hope, this time, they don't mess with his character.
I hope he stays sober this time. We've seen every possible aspect of his alcoholism, it would be pleasant to see what he can be when he's all there.
I'm with Derelict, don't like him.
Looking forward to it! There have been too few Barlows on screen of late. Having more will balance things out a bit.
I think he's the actual father of Leanne's baby so I for once am looking forward to him returning. BUT please keep him sober, we've seen a fallen off the wagon Peter too many times for it to be interesting anymore.
What? Where did you get that one from and do the scriptwriters know yet?
I've said all along that he's the daddy. Maybe the tests will show the baby isn't Steve's.
Have you heard that or is it just assumptions?
Hmm Leanne did take Simon to see him a few months back. I went to to look. She returned from Portsmouth on June 6 and slept with Steve on June 29, that's 3 weeks' difference and that would definitely show on the scan so I don't see how it can be Peter.
Wow Tvor you certainly know how to keep track of dates. 3 weeks can make a big difference, but in tv land maybe not so much. Ever since they announced that Peter was returning, my first thoughts were that he would break up Leanne & Nick and to find out that Leanne was carrying Peter's baby would definitely do that in a very explosive way. I guess we just have to wait and see.
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