Say what you will about David Platt, from cheeky lad to tearaway troubled teen to family man and back to psycho Dave, he's never boring. I've been amazed to see how he's evolved and pulled himself through his troubled years to become a husband and father. He's even managed to have decent relationships with his brother and sister and his mother when you never thought you'd see the day. The only one of his relatives he ever seemed to pay any notice of was his grandmother Audrey and even then, it was (pardon the expression) hit and miss.

This storyline has also brought the rest of the Platts in to try to help David. Even Sarah, David's former nemesis, has shown that down deep, she does love her brother. The scenes between Nick and David have been wonderful. I never thought I'd see those two develop a real brotherly relationship and even his spiky relationship with his mother has softened. It's shown that David does love his mother even though they've had a very rocky relationship, but even his mother hasn't been able to help in spite of knowing what he feels like, she having a spouse murdered, too.

I have no idea what's going to happen. I'm pretty sure Jack P. Shepherd isn't leaving the show so somehow David will be prevented from executing his plan, no pun intended. Apparently, Gail and Nick are going to take action to keep David safe. Locking him in the basement of the Bistro could work but David is slippery and he'll probably find a way out. Short of Gail parading his children in front of his car, Kylie's ghost sitting in the back seat giving him an ear bashing or a traffic jam keeping him from his goal, how's this going to come out?
We'll know by the end of the week. Top stuff, Coronation Street, keep it coming!
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I think we've read that David gets out of the cellar. He (and maybe others) will get smashed up and there will be a court case. His defence counsel will argue that he's not fit to stand trial and there will be a fitness assessment. I don't know the law but guessing that David will end up being hospitalised rather than imprisoned. This will be the turning point in his life.
I'm really on tenterhooks over this storyline.
I think the audience is much more invested in David than anyone realized!
This is all down to J. Sheppard's amazing ability to play just about any emotion there is.
He better get an award for his work this year.
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