As you might guess, it's going to be Gary Windass. But Sarah doesn't realise that Bethany's already got a crush on Gary too. And just when it looks like Sarah and Gary might be getting together, that's when Sarah discovers Bethany's diet pills. The shock of it all forces Sarah to put her new relationship with Gary on the back burner as she's upset that he knew about the pills and didn't tell her.
However, it's then Izzy who persuades Sarah to give Gary another chance.
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I know that Sarah and Bethany are closer in age than most mothers and daughters but I still wish the writers would have Bethany show interest in boys her age. It was creepy enough to see her try for Callum when her mother was interested in him. No need for a repetition of that. At this rate Sarah will only date in peace if she pursues Ken.
Bethany needs to get a life and make some friends of her own. I can't for the life of me understand why boys of her own age aren't interested in her - she is gorgeous and is a nice kid.
I wish that Sarah forgets about men for awhile and focus on her children and getting her own flat instead.
Perhaps if Sarah showed as much interest in her children's lives as she does with her personal life than maybe Bethany wouldn't have all these emotional problems.
I also agree with Maricha's comment that the storyline sounds like a recycling of the Callu storyline and if all the writers can think up are mother\daughter triangles,then perhaps Sarah and her children should return to Milan.
Why is Izzy always trying to help Gary get it on with other women? I really hate that aspect of their relationship, which seems to imply that Izzy has become some kind of post-sexual being. Let Gary play matchmaker for a change and help his ex find a suitable partner.
That would be fun to watch. Izzy is so pretty and a very sweet person.
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