Monday, 31 January 2011
Peter Barlow...Meet Peter Barlow!
A sharp eyed fan, MartinS who is one of our regular readers, spotted this actor on Friday's and tonight's Coronation Street. David Lonsdale played an investigator who was looking for John Stape, if you will recall. But where have you seen him before? Some viewers may recognize him as David Stockwell from Heartbeat but even sharper eyes may recall him as one of the former incarnations of Peter Barlow on Corrie. David played Peter from 1986 to 1988 during the period that his twin Susan was married to Mike Baldwin. All we need now is for this guy to nip into the betting shop for a wager on his way back to see Fiz or for Ken to come out of the house and spy this man, stop, and shake his head wondering where he has seem him before! Wishful thinking!
See also: Where have you seen...?
Charlotte's Parents, Ken Barlow's grandson James, Ken Barlow's son Lawrence, Dr Matt Carter, Saucy Charlotte, Izzy's dad Owen Armstrong,The Corrie coppers, Colin Fishwick, Trevor the binman, Connie Rathbone, Uncle Umed,Julie Carp's mum, Luke Strong, Sophie Webster's boyfriend, Eileen Grimshaw's dad, Norris' girlfriend, Graeme Proctor,Molly's Aunty Pam, Maria's mum and dad, Gail's dad, Scary Brian, Tina's dad, Tony Gordon's henchman, Little Simon Barlow
Ex-Corrie stars hit the chat shows
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Gaynor Faye as Judy Mallet (ITV) |
Roy Barraclough appears on The One Show (BBC1) tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7pm and on Loose Women (ITV1) on Thursday at 12.30.
State of the Street: January 2011
We said goodbye to Claire Peacock and her chicks because she'd pushed Tracy and accidentally caused a serious head injury. Tracy, of course, set out to cause as much damage as possible and blamed Becky. Now she's out of hospital and hell-bent on revenge. The War of the Websters continues. John Stape has broken into little emotionally wrought pieces. Nick has sunk to new lows. Read all about the State of the Street here.
Eddie Windass - whatever is he going to wear next?

He's already tidying his hair into a ponytail, but now that the Windasses are to be adopting lovely little FayE, I'm wondering if Eddie (Weatherfield's answer to Noel Coward) will start dressing differently - tying his dressing gown up properly would be a good start. But it's not just that. He wanders about in his pants, and wears - well, what IS that dark blue outfit?
Two sham weddings on Corrie
Seems that Tina's old friend, Xin, needs to marry someone to be able to stay in the country. Tina talks Graeme into the honours, staging a breakup between them and allowing Xin to move into their flat.
Kylie and David's marraige has a lot more to do with Kylie wanting to get her hands on Audrey's salon and they are persuaded to let Graeme and Xin share their wedding day.
All this will lead to Graeme's departure as the lies and pressure of keeping the secrets will push them apart for real.
The Fraud Squad: Thu Jan 27, 2011 Corrie Episode Review
Written by Damon Rochefort, directed by David Kester
Sean tells Eileen that she only has one choice now: go to Owen, get down on her knees and beg for mercy. Eileen figures that Owen doesn’t want begging, he wants blood. Methinks she may be correct. Eileen pulls a sicky so she doesn’t have to face Owen. She’d rather go back to bed and hope it all goes away. Yeah, that always works for me. It doesn’t go away for Eileen, since Owen shows up to work on her roof – since he’s a man of his word. She asks what he’s going to do about the money since she can’t sleep a wink. He replies with “good.” At the factory, Julie asks after Eileen but Sean won’t say anything and suggests she visit Eileen herself as opposed to asking him how she is all the time.
Julie goes to see Eileen and tells her that she knows something’s up – she can feel it. Eileen breaks down and tells Julie that she’s been a fool and doesn’t know what to do. Eileen tells Julie all and Julie gets upset with Owen and offers Eileen money. Eileen is in tears that Julie would give her money. Eileen knows that Owen just wants to see him suffer. She has no idea what he’s going to do while he’s turning the screws. Julie says the only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him. It takes Julie an afternoon at her machine and she has found a solution for Eileen. Julie points out to Eileen that Owen’s dodged a lot more than ten grand in taxes over the years. Julie says they go to the yard, get the incriminating documents then copy them. They put the originals in a safe place. When the money clears, then he can get back his dodgy dealings or his originals go to the “fraud squad.” To which Eileen replies, “do they exist?” No, Julie got that from Life On Mars. They dress up in matching black French beret outfits and lie about going to a new bar in town when really they’re going to the builder’s yard to steal tax evasion documents. The ladies are almost caught when Owen hears a noise in the builders yard while yelling at neighbours. Luckily, they’re in the clear.
Lloyd doesn’t understand why the coppers can’t figure it out that none of his cabbies had anything to do with Janice’s robbery. He leaves Eddie at the helm in the cabbie station when the police arrive for more questioning. They tell Eddie that there are stolen goods on the property – they got a word. Eddie gives Lloyd the call that the police are there when he’s out with Cheryl when she’s picking up her dress. Cheryl puts her dress in the boot and notices a duffle bag full of jewellery and other stolen items. Lloyd is as shocked as Cheryl. Lloyd arrives back and Cheryl wonders if he’s gotten himself into anything. Lloyd thinks it all looks a little too neat to him and knows someone’s setting him up. Lloyd doesn’t know who it is (really?!) but he’ll find out.
Speak of the devil, Chris takes Maria to lunch at the cafe and tells him about her dreams to own a salon. She notices that he’s quite chipper, more than usual at least. Gee, I wonder what that’s about. In the pub later, Lloyd puts two and two together and gets four. He sees Chris and grabs him by the collar accusing him of the burglary setup. Chris plays it cool and says whatever he’s up to its got nothing to do with him. Chris doesn’t let Lloyd leave without giving him a nasty wink that says “Yeah, you know it.” Cheryl is angry with Lloyd for starting up with an ex.
John’s in the loonie bin, where he should be – next to prison of course, and Fiz isn’t coping well. Fiz sees Hope at the hospital and they tell her that she’ll be able to take Hope home soon enough and it’s good news. Back on the street, Rosie is condemning John Stape to the psychiatric ward that he is currently in and Nick Tilsley sticks up for him. That makes perfect sense. Poor Fiz is in tears at home when Nick comes to visit. Is Fiz the NEXT vulnerable woman he’s going to take advantage of? Nick asks how John is, but Fiz says he sleeps most of the time on meds. Fiz says it’s hard without John but she’s glad that he’s got proper help. Fiz starts bawling and Nick consoles her. He tells Fiz that she’s much stronger than she gives herself credit for. Good
news: John still has his job at the bookies and Fiz has two weeks wages for him. Bad News: John is nuts.
Kevin lets Sally know that he’s got a couple showings of the house later that day. Sally, of course, is not happy about her home being sold from under her and her daughter. No way is Sally going to start making Kev’s life easier for him now. Kevin arrives at his home with the estate agent and notices that Sally has left the home in shambles – hardly sellable. Sally comes in and throws her chip tray down on the couch and does her best Eddie Windass impression. The realtor is stunned, needless to say. Sally tells Rosie and Jason about her Windass ways at their home. Sally will show Kevin from trying to sell the house from under her family.
Gary goes to see Izzy in the Rovers and admits he hasn’t told his parents about the arrest. His court date is soon and if he’s found guilty, he’ll be kicked out of the army and his parents will be let down.
- Julie to Sean: “You’re a hopeless liar, you are. Like that time you said that Janice suited purple.”
- Sally to Kevin: “Oh, do what you want Kevin. It’s what you do best.”
- Rosie to all in Rovers: “You can’t spell psychological without psycho, and that’s what he [John Stape] is.” Nick to Rosie: “You’re an attention-seeking little cow.”
- Rosie to Tina, regarding Jason: “Well, if I started making food for him, then where would it end?!” Tina: “Chaos.” Rosie: “Exactly.”
- Sisterly love between Eileen and Julie. Oh, and their matching black French beret outfits for their cover operation at night in the builder’s yard.
- Julie, about Owen: “If this were the 19th century, I’d call him a cad.”
- Sally’s best Eddie Windass impression
- Nick gives Fiz two weeks wages for John. Wow, what brought this on?
- Rosie obsessed about getting a flat screen TV in the bedroom, completely ignoring the fact that Eileen needs money to fix the roof said TV will be in. Oh, well, we don’t want her to get a crick in her neck, now do we?
- What a meanie is that Owen? Poor Eileen. Even if she stole his money.
- Holy faux fur! When did Rosie start looking like a Russian millionaire’s wife?!
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Weren't the Windasses brilliant this week?
Todd Grimshaw to return to Coronation Street
Todd left in 2004 after he discovered Jason had slept with his ex, Sarah. He returned in 2007 for Jason and Sarah's wedding and made up with Sarah and the Platt family.
Well... maybe not Nick Tisley!
Stuffed marrow, anyone?
Coronation Street weekly awards, January 24-28
Coping skills? What coping skills award: Gold Star: The guilt has broken John.
Silver Star: Gary isn't in the best place, either.
Busted! award: Gold Star: Didn't take long for Owen to find out about the cheque!
Fashion Award: Plaid shirt and yellow marigolds? Really, Sean?
Sisterhood Award: Gold Star: Eileen has finally really let Julie in.
Smug Award: Gold Star: Rosie... She figures she was right about Stape all along. She wasn't far wrong as it happens.

Brilliant Revenge Award: Gold Star: (tie) Julie's plan to get Owen under control and Sally's plan to thwart Kevin's house sale!
That's You Told award: Ken sure put Tracy in her place, didn't he? "It's not how much they think of Claire, it's how little they think of you"
Lines of the week:
Carla to Michelle: "Life's too short, kid, there's nothing like looking down the barrel of a gun to make you realise that"
Chris: "Leave me out of it, I'm just an innocent bystander" (Izzy Eckerslike!)
Norris: "I was just about to give that young man a verbal drubbing he wouldn't forget for a very long time!" (really?)
John: "They can't fix me. There's no cure for evil"
Rosie: "You can't spell psychological without 'psycho'" (Actually, that was a great line!)
and again "If I started making food for him, where would it end?" Tina: "Oh.. chaos!!" (This made me laugh out loud!)
Deirdre: "I've got no time for stuffing marrows today. It's ready-made or nothing!" (Thank God for that!)
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Forever Valerie Barlow . . .
For most of us though, she will be forever doing home perms in her front room. We salute you!
Mikey North feels good about his work
Mikey has done his research well, speaking to soldiers that have been through things like Gary has. He's been told that the flashbacks can occur any time and over a long period of time and are usually triggered by something. In Gary's case, it was the tram crash and carnage initially and, more recently, the idea of being confined in small spaces.
There's also a few spoilers about the upcoming spinoff on ITV2 on Monday night at 10:00 pm. The short pieces about Gary's experiences in Afghanistan have proved so popular that they've filmed a 30 minute special called Gary's Army Diaries. We see Gary and Izzy moving in together and watching some of the video footage Gary shot while on duty with his best mate Quinny.
There's another interview with Mikey on the same subject through a link here. It should be very good and I, for one, will be watching it.
Betty Driver reminisces about Max Wall
Friday, 28 January 2011
Shock storyline ahead for Sophie

Sophie Webster is set to return to the forefront of Coronation Street drama in the coming months, and will be left fighting for her life after a dramatic fall from the church roof.
She is said to struggle with Sian's new friendship with another girl, as well as the strain of her parents' divorce, and turns to alcohol.
Pictures of the shocking scenes, in which she falls onto a car and is left seriously injured, are available here.
Julie Hesmondhalgh donates 'Hayley's red anorak' to charity
By bidding for the coat, which includes a personal signed message from Julie on the back, you could not only land yourself a quirky reminder the popular TV character, but also help people in financial need buy clothing to keep warm during the winter months.
The auction begins on eBay on Monday January 31st. Find out more here.
Spot the Corrie prop - January 28th 2011
No wallpaper this week but the background may be of assistance again. Where on Coronation Street can this flower be found?
The two faces of Eddie Windass

We know that Eddie Windass (Steve Huison) is leaving Coronation Street shortly, but as yet we don't know how. At least, I don't. Past rumours suggest that it will have something to do with son Gary's post traumatic stress disorder, but of course there may be other possibilities.
This is a wild guess but I'm wondering if he's going to end up in jail after getting done for handling the stolen goods that have been planted in Lloyd's cab. Maybe he spots them and is tempted to nick them, or perhaps he just gets done because of his past history.
Who knows. At any rate, at the moment Eddie seems to be a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde, and you can pretty much tell which one he's going to be Matthew by looking at his hair. For example, in one episode this week, he was mature and fatherly to Gary and kind to little Faye from the adoption agency. Hair tied back, looking relatively clean and tidy. Almost a pillar of respectability. In contrast, in tonight's episodes he was lounging around in the cab office looking and behaving like the old disreputable Eddie, phoning for pizzas and goodness knows what else courtesy of the Streetcars switch. Hair definitely "loose". He seemed like someone that Social Services wouldn't touch with a barge pole. I'm finding it a little bit difficult to reconcile the two Eddies. Which way is he finally going to swing?
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Corrie writer pens debut novel
The as-yet-untitled novel chronicles the rise and fall of television actress Jodie McGee, charting her life as she becomes an adult coping with fame and trying to find out who she really is.
His publisher says: "I have been a fan of Mr Harvey's incredible comedic writing for years and have loved everything he has done. His first novel is a major acquisition for Pan Macmillan and we have a fantastic strategy in place to make him a huge bestseller from the very beginning. Jonathan has injected his infectious Northern humour into a poignant tale that is sad, emotive and full of hilarious one-liners that readers will be quoting for years."
Harvey said: "I can't wait to bring the trials and tribulations of Jodie McGee to a wider audience than just me and the poor souls I've read bits out to on the bus."
Jonathan Harvey runs production company Sixth Floor, and has written for his own series "Beautiful People" and "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme", and programmes such as "The Catherine Tate Show", as well as for Coronation Street since 2004. He also wrote Corrie! The Play and has penned over 15 plays.
Read our exclusive interview with Jonathan Harvey.
50 years of Emily Bishop
Happy 50th Anniversary Eileen Derbyshire
Corrie's Ida Clough dies
Helene had lived quietly with her husband Alex for the past 20 years, after a career which began as an entertainer on the clubs circuit in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
In 1978 she became a household name as Ida Clough, the militant machinist at Baldwin’s Casuals in Coronation Street. She stayed there for 10 years until 1988, when she was sacked by Mike Baldwin after reporting him for drink driving.
She had worked alongside big characters such as Ivy Tilsley, Vera Duckworth, and Elsie Tanner. Ida returned to the street for Ivy’s funeral in 1995 and was taken back on at the factory, this time with Janice Battersby and Sally Webster, making her last appearance in 1998.
Her son David Palmer, 49, who lives in Buckton, said he never really knew how his mother came to be in The Street. He said: “During her time working the clubs she was with people like Les Dawson, and Freddie Star, also Pat Phoenix (Elsie Tanner), Liz Dawn (Vera Duckworth) and Lynne Perrie (Ivy Tilsley). They were all good friends and she was with them when they all joined Coronation Street around the same time.”
But his mother also had many other acting achievements, among them was appearing in Spend, Spend, Spend – the story of Castleford pools winner Viv Nicholson. She was also in the film Yanks, which starred Richard Gere. The last thing she did was to play the wife of Eric Sykes in an eight part comedy series, Stan The Man.
Steve McDonald gurn of the week, January 27 2011
To see more gurnage from Stevie McGurn, have a look here, there's loads. Some good, some bad and some really very funny.
Sneak Preview of next week's Corrie, January 31 - February 4
Week of Monday 31st January to Friday 4th February
Missed last week's Corrie?
Catch up with the Coronation Street weekly updates
Pics: Corrie glamour girls at National Television Awards 2011
More pictures here.
Corrie loses out at National Television Awards 2011
Corrie's Jack P Shepherd, who plays David Platt, shook his head in disbelief at the end of the awards show. Says it all, really.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Coronation Street party in Vancouver
The Kings Head in Kits is an all ages pub so for those of you that aren't able to find a sitter for your kiddies, please feel free to bring them along! First pint is on us, there will be traditional British pub fare available for purchase, games, trivia contests, prizes (including autographed beer mats direct from the Rovers) and special guest Robert Lawrenson - who played PC Glaister on Coronation Street for several years - will be in attendance for Q&A with the audience. Admission is free, just bring your love of the Street and enjoy swapping stories and secrets with other Corrie fans.
You can join their Facebook Group too
First Dennis Tanner. Who next?
Anyway, this got me thinking about which former character I'd like to catch up with. It has to be the delectable Suzie Birchall. Back in the day she was feisty, often hasty but definitely fun. Well, until she came back in 1983 and tried to wreck Gail's marriage. Elsie kicked her out of number 11 and that was that. Or was it? Where did she go and what did she do? Has life turned out to be a success for Suzie?
Whose story would you like to catch up with? Maybe not one of the 'big names' such as Hilda or Bet. Perhaps you have a burning desire to find out what happened to Ida Clough or Sheila Crossley. Over to you . . .
Corrie writer pens new thriller
One of the actors in the play is Sally Anne Matthews (pictured), who you'll remember played Jenny Bradley in Corrie.
Framed! runs from January 20-February 26 at the Mill at Sonning, Oxfordshire. Find out more here.
Winners announced for Corrie Typhoo tea caddies competition
The three correct entries were chosen at random after they answered the following questions correctly.
A: £12.99
A: £25.81
Last chance to enter to WIN! Corrie Typhoo Tea caddies
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Looking forward to Dennis Tanner's Corrie return
I'm just chuffed to little mint balls that Dennis Tanner is going to make a comeback!
I wasn't watching Coronation Street back then but I've read lots of the books and seen plenty of video specials and episodes on tape. I just love it when Corrie gives a nod to its history, whether in dialogue or bringing an old character back, even if just for a little while.
This photo is a screen capture from The Stars of Coronation Street, one of the specials that was aired around the 50th anniversary. It is Rita Littlewood's very first scene as a friend of Dennis Tanner. She was an exotic dancer then. How young was Barbara Knox? (She was Barbara Mullaney then)! I do hope they make sure to have a scene between the two as old aquaintances in addition to interaction with Ken and Emily who would have known Dennis best. I'm hoping he will bring news of Elsie. I'd like to think she had a happy ending when she went off to Portugal even if she's now passed on.
But it doesn't really matter what the premise is. It's a nod back to Corrie's past and I'm another one looking forward to it!
Last chace to vote for Corrie - National Television Awards 2011
Voting will close in the National Television Awards 2011 at 12 noon on Wednesday 26 January. The awards ceremony takes place on Wednesday night and will be screened live from the 02 Arena in London direct to ITV1.
Vote for Coronation Street here.
Categories for Corie include Serial Drama, Katherine Kelly (Becky) in Serial Drama Performance and Paula Lane (Kylie) in Newcomer,
Pics: Leanne Barlow's wedding dress
More pictures here.
Coronation Street Weekly Update, January 24 2011
Carla sends Michelle on a business meeting with Frank, a meeting that takes to the pub with a bottle of red and Michelle’s not happy because it’s Ciaran’s last night of shore-leave before he hits the cruise liner as a chef where he’s lined up a new job. Anyway, to cut a long and very dull story short, Michelle left this week and went cruising with Ciaran. I do hope he comes back.
Is Eileen the new Vera?

I can see some similar personality qualities between the two women though there's also vast differences. Read here to find out why.
Fat Brenda's Cream Horn

Long time no see, unless of course you've been checking out me tweeters! For those of you that don't know, Tweeter is on the into-net and it's a bit like having friends round yer house for a gossip except you don't have to make 'em a Mellow Birds and you don't have to move yer knickers and bras off the radiator. Belting!
Now where was I? Janice flamin' Battersby! So Janice has been burgled, that poor thief, imagine yer disappointment when you take all that time to get into a flat undetected and the only things there are a couple of empty vodka bottles and a Breville! It'd be like breaking into a Cadbury's Caramel and finding a Snack a Jack: devastating! The finger of suspicion is pointing at Streetcars but I'd like to take this opportunity to defend our record, we have only ever been responsible for a couple of petty crimes and a kidnap round here, and for a Weatherfield cab firm that's not flamin' bad!
So in a nutshell - and you don't get more nuts than Owen - Eileen has robbed ten grand from the only fella in Weatherfield that makes John Stape seem normal. I almost regret knocking them tiles off her roof and blocking up her gutters now, and I can't help but feel a tiny bit responsible for costing Eileen her job, three grand, her other job and her sanity... oh well, she'll be right.
In other news this week, my Eddie (him of hair so red and full bodied it makes Sarah Ferguson jealous) and his lucky witch of a wife, have finally been lined up with a kid called Fay(e). Eddie tells me she's a little belter and he's been proudly handing out Curly Wurlies all week in celebration. He's so excited is Eddie that he told me he's actually a bit bored of Gary now he's got a new kid and wondered if they'd give him a refund! I'm sure he was joking loveys but you never know with our Eddie, when it comes to refunds he's quite a tough cookie... I doubt he'd get a cash refund for Gary though but he
might get a credit note or summat.
Right, I've annoyed meself now so I'm off. But first: John's had a nervous breakdown, Chris the builder is like Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde except his Doctor Jekyll is just as scary as his Mister Hyde and finally Gary assaulted a police officer by not actually assaulting him after being questioned for doing nowt wrong. Cheryl's in the cab office lounging in me chair and eating me Viscount biscuits and Lloyd's mooning after her not believeing his luck cos the last woman he shacked up with was Theresa
Here's a link called a link that's a link to me tweeters...HERE!
Dennis Tanner marks the spot on Coronation Street
'Orrible Owen Armstrong
We've seen Owen being violent before, especially when it concerns his two daughters Katy and Izzy. I'm not sure he would ever actually hit a woman - he seems that type - but he was certainly close to hitting Eileen last night when he worked out that she'd banked his £10,000 cheque from Carla. He left her in tears, fearing for her life probably. What a creep.
I'm by no means condoning what Eileen has done, by the way. Fraud is fraud, and what Owen should have done is call the police, but it's a soap, so he won't. She did a criminal thing, but I think the writers have been good in showing us how she's got so desperate so as to sink so low. She's usually a very moral person, and I think this is only a blip on her record... Just a very big blip.
I love both Katy and Izzy and would like to see them stick around. I can see Katy and Ches becoming the new Molly'n'Tyrone, only without the annoying bits, and I adore Izzy and how she's always sarcastic but also warm and funny. Owen though I'm not keen on, I'd love for him to go down for doing something 'orrible to Our Eileen.
I wonder what happened to Mama Armstrong? Judging by Owen last night, he probably bludgeoned her to death and buried her under the patio a la Brookside.
Dennis Tanner returns to Coronation Street

Here's a surprise return if I ever did hear one! 43 years after his last Street appearance, Dennis Tanner is reported to be returning to the cobbles.
Elsie Tanner's son, played by established actor Philip Lowrie, is coming back to 'throw the cat amongst the pigeons' with Ken Barlow.
His return is with an initial six-month contract, and will appear on screen from May. He starred in the very first episode of Coronation Street, and then on and off until moving to Bristol eight years later.
ITV have confirmed the signing.
What do we make of this news here at Coronation Street Blog? I'm surprised to say the least, but interested to see what direction they'll take with Dennis now so much time has passed.
See also: Dennis Tanner marks the spot on Coronation Street
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