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Sunday 23 January 2011

Michelle Collins joining Coronation Street?

There's a bit of Corrie gossip in today's Daily Star that reckons ex-EastEnders actress Michelle Collins might be joining Coronation Street. 

The paper says that Michelle's had secret meetings with Corrie producer Phil Collinson relating to her possibly joining the soap.


Tvor said...

I know that some people don't like hiring known actors for Corrie but I don't see a problem with it. Probably because i'm in North America and on US soaps actors change soaps a lot. Fans of a particular actor will follow them from soap to soap because they're good and they enjoy the performances. Michelle Collins is a good actress and depending on the character they create, she could be a good addition. I'd certainly get her a fair shake.

Annie said...

Oh god NO! I can't stand the woman!

This would be a terrible mistake....

Frosty the Snowman said...

Annie I agree.I find this woman very irritating. Another well known face and another character that will probably just be a mouthy old slapper. LETS HAVE SOME UNKNOWN NORTHERN TALENT. Along with the Ferrera girl we seem to be gettinn EE cast offs.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Frosty and Annie -- Phil is casting off the original spirit faster than I recall any other producer who stormed through. Soon it'll be all Dr Who production values and Phil's friends in the cast.

Sea Penguin said...

I don't mind Michelle Collins but I definitely don't want to see her in Corrie. It just doesn't seem right somehow.

Anonymous said...

it doesn't feel right when they cast an actor who will always be known for a more famous soap character (eg. Sinbad from Brookside)

Scott Willison said...

The paper already says that Michelle and Phil are old friends - could they perhaps have just been having dinner?

Anonymous said...

why don't they just get rid of this Phil guy from Dr. Who and hire a producer who can take Corrie back to its kitchen sink drama roots...

maggie muggins said...

Odd gal out here. I like what Phil's doing at Corrie, except for the odd bit of mess left over from previously, i.e., Tracy. I've enjoyed Michelle in Two Thousand Acres of Sky & Daylight Robbery. Never saw her in other soaps, so maybe I haven't been spoiled that way. If given a good character, the sparks could be good. She not in her twenties, so she'll have some depth of life experience.

I agree, it would be nice to see new, unknown talent come in as well. Why can't we have both?

Anonymous said...

Michelle Collins cant act for tofee!!!!!!!!
Tony Warren fought for real northern actors when Corrie first started...Phil Collinson is ruining this show...Michelle and him are best mates...thats why hes got her in....come on you executives upstairs stop him ruiing thisgiving us Eastender castoffs...if your trying to win southern viewers....your loosing northern ones...theres an outcry on the Coronation Street facebook Ive set up my own called "Michelle Collins new Rovers Landlady Nooooooo".....please join and support. Phil Collinson how many awards have you won even with the budget you had for the 50th?????? Stop him ruining our "Street"

Anonymous said...

Go Michelle Collins - I like her. And John Michie is definitely a huge bonus. I don't understand the North/South divide argument either, as a 'southern fan' I couldn't care less whether the actors are from the north or the south, as long as the story lines are good - and some of them are a bit jaded at the moment. Liz and Jim? What was that all about, so unlikely as to be slightly ludicrous! I love Becky, but that scenario is becoming a little jaded and tiresome (more like whinging East Enders) - new blood in the Rover's will be an excellent thing.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see Michelle Collins join the Corrie cast. She's been working in theatre in the north west giving sterling performances. I hope Stella is as powerful a character to play as Cindy Beale was. Best of luck Michelle.

Anonymous said...

This just seems like nepotism. The street is being railroaded by shoddy actors who have had their shot of fame and are being given a second chance. Their performances are less than convincing and the originality and spark that once typified corrie is being so diluted - it's shameful! Original actors with a quirky northern style are needed urgently to help us return to its fundamental premise. Frank, Tommy.... Do the right thing. Make your stay on the street short. And Michelle Collins. Please don't sign the contact.

Anonymous said...

I have watched coronation street for over 50 years ,no more can't stand the stupid story lines.Michelle looked ridiculous in the tailer, I felt embarrased for her!

Anonymous said...

well i must say that i feel very insulted by michelle collins accent in corrie. i'm a northerner n from rochdale n do not speak like that at all. sorry michelle but thats a very bad attempt


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