Coping skills? What coping skills award: Gold Star: The guilt has broken John.
Silver Star: Gary isn't in the best place, either.
Busted! award: Gold Star: Didn't take long for Owen to find out about the cheque!
Fashion Award: Plaid shirt and yellow marigolds? Really, Sean?
Sisterhood Award: Gold Star: Eileen has finally really let Julie in.
Smug Award: Gold Star: Rosie... She figures she was right about Stape all along. She wasn't far wrong as it happens.

Brilliant Revenge Award: Gold Star: (tie) Julie's plan to get Owen under control and Sally's plan to thwart Kevin's house sale!
That's You Told award: Ken sure put Tracy in her place, didn't he? "It's not how much they think of Claire, it's how little they think of you"
Lines of the week:
Carla to Michelle: "Life's too short, kid, there's nothing like looking down the barrel of a gun to make you realise that"
Chris: "Leave me out of it, I'm just an innocent bystander" (Izzy Eckerslike!)
Norris: "I was just about to give that young man a verbal drubbing he wouldn't forget for a very long time!" (really?)
John: "They can't fix me. There's no cure for evil"
Rosie: "You can't spell psychological without 'psycho'" (Actually, that was a great line!)
and again "If I started making food for him, where would it end?" Tina: "Oh.. chaos!!" (This made me laugh out loud!)
Deirdre: "I've got no time for stuffing marrows today. It's ready-made or nothing!" (Thank God for that!)
Corrie's great just now. Loved that they brought back Deirdre's stuffed marrow thing. Thought Ken had some really fab po-faced lines as well, which he delivered as only Ken can. Thought the Windasses were brilliant, and the baby Hope saga is heart-rending. No complaints at all!
Yes, it's almost worth it having Tracy there, just to hear everyone but Deirdre giving her the truth! Even though she could care less. It's like oxygen to her, being hated.
Many good lines this week!
I loved Eddie Windass with Faye. :)
Let's Get Up a Petition Award: Eddie Windass should NOT leave. I dont know what's gone on with him and Granada, but he is a great character with so much more mileage in him. Lets get him to stay!
The Most Not Wanted Around Award: Tracy and Kate Ford, nobody wanted to see them back, big big mistake to resurrect the charcter.
The Thank God you werent in the Trenches Award: Gary and his constant toddler tantrums and for hitting his dad and pushing his mum. What now for him,. more criminal behaviour? YAWN!
Out to Impress Award: The sleazy businessman who I always think of being DI Manson, taking the office admin assistant to a rough old backstreet boozer and plying her with the house plonk to discuss a deal - as if!
Loved the scene's with Eileen and Sean. Despite the panic about the money, they were simple, warm, paly scene's. Loved them. Made me really "like" Corrie again (far too many spiteful and nasty folk on the street at the moment and the writers are all going for the 'big' stories)
And loved loved loved the Eileen and Julie revenge.
Deidre and the stuffed marrow - quite surreal, Corrie classic! She should include it with her pie, peas and crisps combo in a Corrie recipe book! agree with Frosty, Eddie Windass should stay. I really can't understand why he has to leave, although I really didn't enjoy their introduction the family has really grown on me. Gary's portrayal is excellent; Corrie is often slated for its rapid turnaround of issues; it's good to see the writers treat this one with sensitivity and Mikey North with some great acting. I hope for once this story line runs its natural course.
I'd sign a petition to have Eddie Windass stay! I wonder if he was pushed out by the last production team.
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