We know that Eddie Windass (Steve Huison) is leaving Coronation Street shortly, but as yet we don't know how. At least, I don't. Past rumours suggest that it will have something to do with son Gary's post traumatic stress disorder, but of course there may be other possibilities.
This is a wild guess but I'm wondering if he's going to end up in jail after getting done for handling the stolen goods that have been planted in Lloyd's cab. Maybe he spots them and is tempted to nick them, or perhaps he just gets done because of his past history.
Who knows. At any rate, at the moment Eddie seems to be a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde, and you can pretty much tell which one he's going to be Matthew by looking at his hair. For example, in one episode this week, he was mature and fatherly to Gary and kind to little Faye from the adoption agency. Hair tied back, looking relatively clean and tidy. Almost a pillar of respectability. In contrast, in tonight's episodes he was lounging around in the cab office looking and behaving like the old disreputable Eddie, phoning for pizzas and goodness knows what else courtesy of the Streetcars switch. Hair definitely "loose". He seemed like someone that Social Services wouldn't touch with a barge pole. I'm finding it a little bit difficult to reconcile the two Eddies. Which way is he finally going to swing?
I love that skin-tight red polar neck! Hideously brilliant.
How good was the FayE cake too??
Pickleddjo, I loved the FayE cake as well! Shame Eddie's going- hope the exit plot is great, unlike a certain Mrs Peacock's. Seriously, how far-fetched was her departure?
in reality he wouldnt be able to adopt a kid in a million years claming benefits while hes working? how they didnt spot that i dont know
Hair tied back when he is 'dressed to impress'. When at home he lets himself go.
He obviously feels quite at home in the cab office then :))
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