So 70s popstar and actor David Essex is to join The Other Soap - the one Dahn Sarf. Eastenders if you must force it out of me.
I quite like David Essex and I'm sure he'll be very good in it *grits teeth and moves swiftly on*.
Coronation Street had Status Quo making a cacophony on the cobbles not that long ago. I'm wondering if there are any other rock stars of a certain age who would be worth watching on Corrie as a novelty turn? We know that Snoop Dog is a fan - but is he old enough to count as "ageing"? I think not.
My own two dream turns would be Robert Plant, and Elvis. Okay, Elvis is no longer available (oo-er - did Stape have anything to do with that?) but it's still a nice thought. Robert Plant seems like a nice enough down to earth blokey type of bloke now that he's left the Golden God days behind - I'd be prepared to bet he watches Corrie in his jim-jams with a mug of Bovril and would love to appear. Anyone else got any ideas?
My own blog is here
Underworld needs a new investor. They need someone masculine, sexy and bold; a man who needs to assert himself. Enter new businessman character Bryan Ferry. He seduces Carla with his rendition of Virginia Plain, but unfortunately clashes with Steve McDonald in the Rovers when he expresses a love for Nazi fascist architecture as opposed to the simple joys of the viaduct. His ex-wife Belinda - played by Jerry Hall - arrives in the street, leading to a bitch fight with Carla on the cobbles that has to be broken up by Norris Cole with a six foot long stick.
On the plus side, Bryan raises £500 for the Ashley Peacock Memorial Fund by singing Jealous Guy at a benefit concert. So it's not all bad.
You dont know what ur talking about mate! How can anybody knock David Essex? He is a very talented man and i cant believe he even has the time to join Eastenders, as he is currently filming two films, plus making a new album and is touring with the Westend version of All the fun of the fair! But then u wouldnt know that would u? As u have very little in taste of artist anyway and have no respect for a legand!
I'm guessing that Fat Brenda would give up her Mellow Birds and Dunhills to get Cliff on the cobbles :)
He'd probably never do it, but I'd like to see Billy Bragg come on with the return of Spider Nugent. They could go to some demos with Emily.
Engelbert and Cliff Richard? They've appeared on the street so that'd be good!
Cilla Black? (I'll get me coat...)
I'm liking your Bryan Ferry idea Merseytart - but ONLY if he wore his leather trousers & I'm not entirely sure he's capable of that these days - fine figure of a chap tho' he is and all :) Also liking the Billy Bragg idea. Cilla I'll gloss over and move swiftly on. If Engelbert is still alive (no disrespect, but I'm not sure...) I'd def. go with him as a love interest for Betty.
Roger Daltrey. Julie needs a man its about time they put her out of her misery. And Sean Connery.I prefer to think of him in his jimjams and bovril.
Roger Daltry, yes I can see where you're coming from. Sean Connery - hmm...sad to say I think he maybe spends a fair amount of time in his jimjams these days. Could be a love interest for Emily?
Rod Stewart. He could be a distant relation of Mike Baldwin who has suddenly found a document that shows he is the real owner of the faktry and kick old Cruella out.
Not bloody Snoop Dog, that's for sure! ;)
Ya-a-aY - Rod Stewart - can you imagine him getting his barnet done in Audrey's?
Yeah -- has to be Cliff. Sure, he has appeared in The Rovers with Andy and Liz but he had his back to the camera. He always said (in years gone by) that he wanted to be a wandering minstrel in scenes with Raquel. Maybe now he could be a college chum of Ken's, a business associate of Dennis' or... what?
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