Guest blog post from Sharon Boothroyd.
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As a big Corrie fan, I've always liked the family aspect of the soap.
Over the years, I've noticed a unique strong bond that exists between a brother and sister.
One of the most deepest and longest bonds on the street is between those red- haired siblings, brother Chesney and sister Fiz, While he stuck by her with her relationship and marriage to bad 'un John Stape, Fiz warmly welcomed Chesney's girlfriends, Katy and Sinead. More recently, single dad Chesney has stuck the oar in with love rat Tryone. However, he's said no to Fiz's recent request to stay, knowing her daughter Hope could be pose a danger to his son, Joseph. This has caused a rift between them. I wonder how it will be resolved?
The other brother and sister duo I like are Zeedan and Alya. Alya fell out of favour with the family after blackmailing their cheating grandad to further her career. Zeedan was disgusted with his sister, but eventually with the assistance of his wife Rana, he came round and forgave her. Despite his subsequent marriage troubles, Zeedan did his best to emotionally support Alya when she lost boyfriend Luke to murder. Both siblings are highly ambitious and aspire high. Will this aspect of their characters lead to trouble? It's a smaller family now that Dad and grandad are gone. I've learnt via this blog that Zeedan is leaving the street. What a pity!
It's a strange relationship, because they are such strong opposites. Hairdresser Maria has enjoyed a string of boyfriends but gormless, shy Kirk has managed to find true love with loud extrovert Beth. Kirk's puzzled by Maria's complicated choices in love and equally, Maria can't understand what he sees in brash Beth. However, Maria was kind enough to put Kirk's family up when Chesney threw them out. It would be good to see a plot that centres around Maria and Kirk, because their bond doesn't seem to be tested in any way.
Sarah's dad is the deceased Brian Tilsey. David's dad is Martin Platt (The character was recently seen back on the Corrie cobbles before emigrating to New Zealand). David's a complex, vocally aggressive character and he's often difficult to understand. Sarah is sweet, tolerant and patient. She needs to be, with David as her brother! For a long time, mum Sarah and daughter Bethany were living in Italy, yet then they were brought back to Weatherfield. Since then, Sarah, Bethany, David, Shona, Max, Lily and Gail have all squashed together under the Platt roof. Sarah usually gets on with David's lady loves, but David hates Gary Windass with passion. I don't really understand why. Yes, ok Gary has got another woman in the family way but, apart from that... Despite all the obstacles, we know that single parents Sarah and David will stick by each other through thick and thin. And I admire that a lot.
That's my take on the brother and sisters duos currently appearing in Corrie.
Who are your favourite set of Corrie siblings?
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Interesting post to read. The relationship between David and Sarah is certainly complex...but I don't know that I would agree that they would always have each other's backs. Sarah has put her own self-interest above the best interests of her brother in the past, and I have no doubts that she would do it again without thinking twice. Remember when she dated Callum, despite knowing the misery he was causing David? She has problems putting her own children's needs ahead of her own at times, never mind her brother's.
David also aggressively threatened Sarah that if Callum's murder got out he would have no problem putting it on her in order to save himself and Kylie, as she was more important to him than Sarah. I'm sure that was said largely to scare her into silence, but if push came to shove I think that would have been the truth. I also believe that if David had ever wound up in a situation in which he had to choose between his sister and Kylie, say if they were both dangling from a cliff or something, he would have saved Kylie.
Don't think that's the case with Shona though.
Why David hates Gary Windass:
The first time we saw the Windass clan, Anna and Eddie hired Joe McIntyre (Tina's dad and Gail's boyfriend) to refit their kitchen. When they refuse to pay, it sets off a feud between David and Gary. Later the Windasses move in next door to the Platts. In addition to the kitchen wars, Gary gets under David's skin by hitting on Tina. After David provokes Gary into thumping him, Gary is charged with assault. At first, Tina agrees to lie, saying that Gary threw the first punch, but Tina - if I remember correctly - comes clean and Gary is cleared. The ongoing tension between Gary and David is an unusual case where the writers have not forgotten the past.
Sarah is sweet, tolerant and patient?
Ever since David was responsible for Bethany accidentally taking ecstasy, Sarah has had him, to greater or lesser extent, in her sights. When he tried to sabotage her wedding to Jason by faking suicide, she got her revenge by planting drugs on David and stealing his opportunity for a job in Milan. There was crazy bad blood between them long before Callum.
The best siblings are Leanne, Eva and Toyah. Hands down. I also loved Nick and David together.
Peter and Tracy, even though they fall out a lot they are loyal to each other when it really matters.
I always liked Steve and Andy.
I love all the Barlows: Tracy, Peter, Daniel (and Adam even though he is a nephew, not a sibling) The chemistry in all their scenes together is excellent.
I like the Barlows too.
Kylie did have a romp or two with Gary before she was with David (in Mary's motorhome if I remember correctly). See :
Sawрhie and Dozy Рlebster :)
Yes! Ixm glad someone besides me remembers this!
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