Guest Blog Post By Kelly Archer who is on Twitter @mskelstar
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Poor Toyah Battersby. It feels like she doesn’t belong on the Street. In a world of hotpots and kebabs, she doesn’t eat meat. Amongst the false eyelashes and deep cleavages, she dresses with the sort of modesty that would make a Jane Austen heroine look a bit slutty. Toyah is clever and dedicated, she actually put some time and effort into training as a therapist, rather than just rocking up at the Bistro or the factory with a burning desire to wait tables or stitch some knickers. But there’s no outlet for her principles and intelligence in Weatherfield. Her attempts to bring the Rovers into the 20th century (21st would be a bridge too far) by offering, horror of horrors, a vegetarian option was met with derision all round. And her professional training has so far only been put to use in mediating (unsuccessfully) with Liz over some cleaning chores.
Then there’s Peter. Nearly twenty years older than her with more ex’s than Rod Stewart, is he really the best this educated woman can hope for? I’m not even convinced that he truly loves her. When he was being quizzed by Carla the best he could find to say is ‘Toyah keeps me grounded’. I’m sorry…she ‘keeps you grounded’? Not ‘she’s the love of my life’? Not ‘I think about her every waking moment’? Not ‘I’d run stark naked through a swarm of angry bees just for one of her smiles’. Ok maybe the last one is going a bit far, but he did confess to a murder he didn’t commit for the love of the fragrant Ms Connor.
Finally, the Eva/baby storyline, which makes no sense at all. Yes, we know that Toyah desperately wants to have a baby, she went through rounds of costly and heart-breaking IVF with her husband Toby. But there’s the problem – if having a baby that is biologically yours isn’t an issue why didn’t she and Toby adopt years ago? Or why not adopt a baby legally with Peter? Why does it make more sense to secretly adopt a child and then pass it off as your own? We all know this is going to end in tears, and they won’t be new-born baby ones.
So please let’s give the lovely Toyah a storyline that actually fits with her character. Maybe she could challenge Sally for Mayor on a Green Party ticket? Or she could start up her own vegan shake bar? Better still let her set up her own practice at the medical centre dispensing therapy to the residents of Weatherfield. God knows they need it! What with Craig’s OCD and Gail’s gullible belief in vengeful husbands from the other side, she’d never be short of clients. The Barlow family alone could keep her in work for about ten years!
By Kelly Archer who is on Twitter @mskelstar
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!

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What bothers me is that as far as Toyah is concerned, the 'Eva's baby storyline,seems more about revenge against Aidan for his affair with Maria who also slept with Toyah's lecturer boyfriend years ago which Toyah still hasn't forgotten or forgiven Maria despite claiming Peter[not Spider?]is the 'love of her life'.
Toyah more or less manipulated Eva to give her what she wants a baby and doesn't care who gets hurt,Peter or the father Aidan whose unborn child is being stolen from him.
When it ends in tears,I won't feel sorry for Toyah who's sadly has become like her mother Janice with her schemes and lies.
The sooner she gets in a taxi and moves on the better.
The biggest disappointment in a returning character. I agree with Anon above, she is very manipulated and vindictive. I really want her to leave, she does't fit at all.
I think in her desperation and the chaos of the moment neither she or Eva stopped to think about the consequences of this plan. Maybe that's meant to illustrate just how desperately she wants a baby, but she does have a pattern of ill-judgement. Top of the list for me: The baby plan, and supporting her alcoholic boyfriend's decision to buy a pub. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she also have an affair with Peter before leaving her husband? Yes, she has high principles, until they conflict with her self-interest. She's not dissimilar to a lot of other characters on that score, though.
It's nice to have someone on the street with education and the potential to do something different from the norm in terms of employment (although even that hasn't panned out for this character), but not really sure how good a therapist she would be!
If Emily does actually come back, wouldn't it be great if she brought Spider with her! I know it isn't so...but would love it if he was the "much loved character" who is supposed to be returning soon!
Agreed on all points. Toyah is being wasted and she isn't good with Peter. But there aren't any educated men on the street for Toyah, other than Adam, Imran, Roy and Brian. Maybe opposites can attract - but not Peter, her sister's ex (and I think future again).
Toyah works in scenes with the sisters, but falls flat in the chemistry dept with Peter.
Eva's hidden pregnancy is a ridiculous storyline and definitely self serves Toyah. The fallout will hopefully be the end of her and Peter.
Laura, If Emily comes back Toyah will have to give her wardrobe back.
Toyah is one of my favourite characters but I have to admit, I fail to see a place for her on the Street. I think the best possible storyline would see her and Peter finally ending their relationship and squabbling over who gets to remain in the Rovers (remember it was Peter's decision to buy the Rovers, Toyah was against it what with him being an alcoholic). It would be interesting if, exploring her backstory, Toyah dicovered that she is a distant relative of Betty Williams (whose sister Maggie was married to Les Clegg) through her father; Ronnie Clegg, and therefore believes she owns the rights to the hotpot. However, shock hits the Street as Robert Preston discovers that he is also a distant relative of Betty (née Preston) and believes that he has the right to start serving the hotpot at the Bistro. The drama concludes with Sean, another drifting character, remembering that Betty left the recipe to him in her will and therefore he owns the intellectual property.
A Toyah and Spider reunion.....brilliant concept, with Spider returning Emily to reclaim her house. With no Norris, is anyone living there right now?
Angie and Jude are there. Given Emily's role as resident babysitter for everyone, she'd fit in nicely ;)
I can't remember this clearly, but didn't Emily sell her house to Norris?
Great post Nora!
I don't remember Toyah being so frumpy before. I do like her though, but not with Peter. And the baby thing is too ridiculous to comment on.
I think Emily signed the house over to Norris.I miss both of them, especially Norris's conversations with Mary and Rita.
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