Sorry I am a tad late - but we spent the weekend sitting grandchildren!
Eileen is hiding indoors and Pat Phelan is in hiding as neither are seen in these episodes but Eileen eventually lets Liz know that all is well with her.
Much of the airtime is taken up by super sleuths Barlow & Taylor who decide to visit Jude at work as a marine biologist at the Sea Life Centre (SLC) with Tracy using her womanly wiles to seduce Steve into managing Preston's Petals. At the SLC they meet a marine biologist who has never heard of Jude - and any way there are only three professional researchers working there.
Jude is found working in the SLC shop - shortly before Ange appears. Tracy is given a silly fish hat and left to run the shop whilst Jude and Mary head off Ange. She cannot answer any customer questions or even work the till!
Barlow and Taylor should replace Scott and Bailey and get a new job solving all of the crime on the Street - like who killed Andy and why Craig has OCD? Also Daniel is in detective mode - Flora (Vinny's mother in the care home) has moved to another care home and Daniel is worried that he led Pat to her {the good news is that Pat did not claim to have murdered Flora when he was "confessing" to Eileen}.
Talking of Craig, blonde bombshell Bethany and overpowering mother Beth are apparently the cause of his OCD he reckons and he initially gives them short shrift. Beth reminds him they are there to help him get better and now he can talk about it he can get better even if he is not the nutcase that Bethany calls him at one point. Looks like that storyline will soon be over. Apparently Katy Perry and many others suffer from OCD too! Meanwhile the police assure Bethany that Neil's case will not go to appeal - so inevitably it will - the evidence linking the cash to Nathan was always weak.
There is a lot about the forthcoming charity boxing match with everyone being told what to do by Josh - who has been on the Street for a couple of months - I honestly am not that keen on people hitting one another even if they have lots of exercise and fresh food. The local king of fast food, Chesney, is taken home by Josh - which David sees, for a wheat berry salad! David warns Chesney not to eat it but cannot bring himself to warn Chesney about Josh himself. Alya pitches up the garage to thank Josh for his efforts - and they share a cup of tea. Later as she leaves they hug and almost kiss - but Josh knows that David is watching! Josh just loves winding David up.
And David is not himself. He is not planning revenge on Josh, nor can he manage to undergo an HIV/Aids test or report Josh to the police - as Josh points out they might have trouble believing a hairdresser and former young offender is not completely straight and so if he admits to events he will be coming out in front of the community. David has however dumped Shona who is sleeping on the sofa at Roy's flat and gets a telling off from Carla for leaving the cap off of the toothpaste. David and Shona meet in the Rovers, her hope of reconciliation dashed when he hands over the rest of her possessions. As we know Sarah has taken Gary back. David finds Gary in the Platt home and lets fly over Sarah's decision. David tells Gary to get out. Sarah senses that David has not made it up with Shona. David breaks down - again he cannot explain why he is in such a mood. Later Sarah observes that if David went to see a psychiatrist the latter would resign. Sarah hopes she will cope once Nicola's baby is born - but Gary wants to be involved with the baby.
Robert manages the almost impossible feat of getting himself, Michelle, Carla and Ali sitting around one table at the same time at the rebranded Viaduct Bistro (a boring name - set the super sleuths the tasks of something more exciting - to match the florists say "Barlow Bites"?, no then "Connor Chowdown"?); Michelle is responsible for the name which has been used! Ali clearly has his tongue hanging out for Carla - even Robert picks up on it! Michelle wonders if Ali is softening and is it worth inviting him to the wedding, she asks Carla to put a word in! Carla tells Robert off - but it looks like Ali might have to make another house call. Carla makes it clear to Ali that Michelle must never find out what they have been doing. The Bistro has been nominated for Restaurant of the Year in the whole North West. Ooh and Steph has been in touch - Andy's funeral will be in a couple of weeks.
Jenny has been shopping - apparently Johnny has spent all morning telling her there are shops in Spain but Jenny is leaving nothing to chance. Liz explains it for Johnny - men hunt for food and women hunt for bargains. Liz is jealous of the warm weather they will enjoy once they move.
Turns out Mike Thornbury, the new man in Liz's life, not only taught Steve but also David Platt - and they remember each other only too well. Anyway the bow and arrow in assembly was actually Jonny Gonzalez and not David! Later Steve gets a telling off from Liz over his bullying Mike!
Apparently Jude has only been a marine biologist since he met Ange as he wanted to impress her. And he asks the super sleuths to keep his secret. Mary leads Ange outside the shop and Jude follows them. He tells them the office and his colleagues are boring so not worth going to see them. Jude explains to Mary that Ange never seemed to ask for details so he has managed to keep up the charade. And the job in the gift shop was in the paper on the same day - just a good opportunity. And now Jude does not kno how to put things right, but Mary makes it clear she not like the deceit. Mary says that Tracy will eventually blab. Jude knows that she is right - and Jude has to find a way out.
We end with David in the salon grabbing a pair of scissors and trying and failing to cut his wrists. He breaks down in tears.
Episode written by Simon Crowther and directed by Alan Grint.

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I am not at all convinced by Dr Ali Neeson. He just doesn't seem to have the right manner or personality. And would a doctor really hang out at the pub and bistro where he would see a lot of his patients?
How can you marry a person with a lie like Jude's? What the hell was he thinking
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