I'm not sure I'm liking the sound of this. In fact, I've just had a discussion about how much I don't like it, while in the queue at the supermarket this morning.
It appears that Nicola Rubinstein, Phelan's daughter, is going to get pregnant with Gary Windass' baby. I know.
The good news of course, is that this means Mikey North can't be leaving his role as Gary in Coronation Street as I'd feared he might be from recent storyline spoilers.
The bad news is that it just seems so unlikely and I'm having to suspend belief once again, and my belief is still being stretched to its limits by Toyah and Peter being together and running the Rovers Return.
Are you happy about this storyline, excited to see it play out on screen?
The Mirror reports the spoiler today and says that three families will get involved in a big feud when the baby news comes out - Phelan, Windass and Platt. I wonder if this will all be connected to Anna Windass leaving the show?
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How is this even likely? Will this 'night of drunken passion which means absolutely nothing, Sarah' happen before or after Gary's stint abroad. And presumably it happens after Gary and Sarah have a row. No, I don't like it for a million reasons, but mainly because it brings Phelan back into the spotlight.
What a load of bollocks. So Phelan and Anna will be forever bonded through a joint grandchild. Big deal. Anna's going to be gone soon anyway. I like Gary and Sarah together. They work as a couple. Boo.
Sounds tedious.
So one thing Dev didn't stock when he refurbished his shop was condoms. The fertility on this street is incredible, which is what makes Toyah's story so incredible under these circumstances.
Absolute garbage writing....pregnancies abound. I love Humpty's opener 'night of passion!' exactly. No job, no prospects, but fertility rampant. Oh c'mon. I not sure how much longer I can watch this nonsense.
Absolutely awful idea, I really hope someone has a re-think on this one.I'm not a fan of Nicola or Gary anyway, so the combination of a ridiculous storyline and the two of them getting more screen time isn't something I want to watch.I'm already loathing Peter and Toyah behind the bar at the Rovers and the never ending tedium that is Robert and Michelle - surely that's enough suffering for a woman to bear.I've been watching Corrie since 1965 and increasingly find myself looking up old episodes to break the monotony of so many boring storylines lately.I know you can't please all of the people all of the time but the writers seem to have lost the plot entirely just recently.I want some humour back on the street!
This is a bad idea. Maybe this is what will push Anna over the edge and have her kill Phelan to avoid being related to him. That would be the only silver lining here.
So, they want us to believe that 16 year old Bethany is the only person on the street who can figure out birth control? Nope. I don't see Gary as a rapist and I don't see Nicola as stupid or unprepared. Not a fan of Sarah and Gary but they are suited to each other.
Toyah behind the bar, no, but she does seem suited to tea in the back room with her sisters. Peter seems okay, even good, serving, although it's odd that as a business owner, he still needs odd shifts driving a cab.
Jeanie (anon):
I understand the need for drama, but this seems so out of character--especially for Nicola who seems like a very together, competent, restrained person, very much in charge of her own life. Can't imagine her hopping into bed with a hot-tempered, out of work, engaged builder she barely knows! And if a social worker can't understand the importance of birth control, then who can?!
But that's the problem with Coronation Street's new characters--they introduce these interesting, capable, morally outstanding people of character (Nicola, Jenna, Alya, Erica, Kirstie, Caz etc. )and before you know it they've been sucked into the Coronation Street quagmire, either going completely psycho or reduced to random pregnancies, indiscriminate bed-hopping, and a few shifts at the Rovers, Bistro, or Roy's. Undoubtedly Nicola will soon be installed on the street, living in the builder's yard flat, watching as Gail and Eileen engage in another cat fight, and managing a few shifts at the Rovers between her bouts of morning sickness. Why do they bother to bring in new characters at all, with new personalities, jobs, relationships, skill sets, if they just reduce them into the same few tired stereotypes and plotlines? With a character like Nicola, or Alya, or Jenna, the writers promise something and someone new--to inject some life into the stagnant pond that is Coronation Street--but then just give us the same old same old. Really disappointing!
Has no one on the street ever heard of birth control? Seriously this isn't 1950 for heaven's sake. Can the writers not come up with anything else?
Why can't anyone just be happy on this street? Sarah and Gary are a good couple, I thought they'd last.
Well said Jeanie, couldn't agree more.
I heartily agree with everyone here! And I'm unanimous in that. Doesn't Katie Oates ever read what fans say? We've been talking about the seeming lack of birth control for flamin' ever! Weak, boring and unbelievable story for Corrie. Big thumbs down.
I also agree with all the comments,Gary barely acknowledges his son Jake with Izzy and now he's going to be the father of his nemesis' grandchild,the one who blackmailed his mother to sleep with him or else Phelan would have had Gary arrested for assault?!Ridiculous!
I would've preferred if Gary left for good and was killed off in the Ukraine rather than this terrible storyline.
This beggars belief. Ten-year olds could come up with better story lines than this - and ten year olds likely know more about birth control. It seems to me as if "alternate facts" have entered the story writers' room. Nicola is a well-educated woman who has nothing in common with Gary Windass. She will know full well about birth control. The Street seems to be populated either by women who get pregnant on one-off's - or Toyah. Give your head a shake, Kate Oates!
This is just absolute rubbish and lazy writing. Kate Oates has destroyed this show with her crappy, overdone storylines that are so devoid of creativity it makes me cringe. I'm starting to think she was hired to infiltrate the show just to put it under and make the other soaps look good. Another unplanned pregnancy. Shame on them for insulting the viewers with this garbage.
How long is Oates' contract anyways?
Baby bombshell headline? I thought right, this is where Leanne offers to be a surrogate for her sister and her ex (simpering Gail would love this!) but no we get this absurdity instead! Sheesh, talk about recycling storylines; just look at the headlines in the press, loads of inspiration there instead of trotting out the usual 'shock pregnancy' stuff. Is there no birth control available anywhere in Weathfield?
Only the other week wasn't Nicola supposed to be the new lesbian love interest for Kate?. That sounded a plausible possibility but this is just ridiculous.
Mmmmm...how in the world did they ever meet? Wouldn't have Gary automatically avoided Nicola when he realized who she is? Not likely that they'd get hammered, have sex once, and conceive.
Laughing at all of the comments on the outstanding fertility of the residents of the street,and how easy it is to get lucky there. Smutty bunch.
Hard to keep track of who's who anymore**yawn**. Frankly I was excited when I first learned that Stuart was out and Kate Oates was in, now I'm not so sure. Is this the best they can do, or have we just hit a slump?
Oh for goodness sake... can't we just get over Phelan??!! Move on!! No, it's ridiculous! Can't there be one surviving and happy relationship ?????
Wait, doesn't Nicola have a bf??
I have only just seen this post because it's linked to a new one. May I say your whole comment is absolutely spot-on! Many characters are introduced and look interesting and different, only for their potential to be wasted. I'd add Erica and Freddie, and Dennis' return to the list too.
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