The previews are in from ITV for next week’s Coronation Street and Gary’s got a lot of making up to do when he turns up unannounced at Sarah’s parents’ support group.
At the support group, Sarah talks candidly about how she feels she has let Bethany down. Gary offers some heartfelt words and promises her that from now on he’ll be there for her. But then Gary receives a call from Joe offering him another gig in Ukraine.
Gary breaks the news to Sarah that he’s accepted another job out there. Sarah’s horrified but Gary lies to her, making out the risk is minimal and the money fantastic. When Sarah suggests an afternoon lie down, Gary makes excuses and Sarah’s disappointed. With Sarah out of the way, Gary winces with pain as he removes his t-shirt to reveal his badly bruised back and ribs. Is Gary’s work more dangerous than he’s making out?
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How does he do it? He, Gary ends up in a relationship with these terrific women and then promptly screws it up. Will he never learn? I was really liking the dynamics of this relationship, but...a liar is a liar, Sarah can do better.I'd like to see her in a relationship with someone more established...she and Luke might have made an interesting match.
I don't see why any woman would date Gary. He is a perpetual loser and when was his last steady job.
How dumb to even have had a child with him and now they are redoing the story with Peter and Bore-ya, wanting a child before you have a home and steady life to give it is stupid and selfish.
I don't want to see Luke stuck with Sarah as she'll bring him down with her manipulations as she did with Todd years ago.
Since she's finally realising that she is partly to blame for Bethany going off the rails,Sarah needs to focus on her children instead of her love life.
Sarah still hasn't matured, still acting like a spoilt princess wanting to spend the day in bed with Gary[why isn't SHE at work in the Rovers?]only to possibly have a tantrum because Gary is going back to work in the Ukraine to pay off his debts and for a down payment on the house that Sarah wants.
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