Next week on Coronation Street we're going to see the start of what will be Liz McDonald being involved in some sort of scam.
It starts when Rana finds out that Liz has signed up for some free vape cartridges and phas rovided her bank details. Rana warns Liz she's been scammed.
Then, Liz will be gutted to discover her bank account has been emptied. She laments to Eileen how the scam leaflet was pinned to the Medical Centre notice board and she intends to find out who's behind it.
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How Craig makes detective.
Liz needs a story. Not this one. Again, are we supposed to believe that a woman smart enough to con Tony Stewart into getting her pub back and is related to Amy Barlow would fall for something like this?
I agree, Liz hasn't had a proper story since she extacted her revenge on Tony in 2015!. Since then, she's been a spare part and it's insulting to one of the iconic corrie characters. I believe they have a new man coming for Liz so let's hope she gets a decent story for her
Trouble is Liz always has to have a man to have a story which is somewhat demeaning for her.
Is it to do with Moira? She wasn't very nice to Liz
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