For a bit of fun this week in the run up to the Bank Holiday weekend, we're going to be asking every day this week who our current favourite characters are. Today it's the turn of the men.
So, who is your current, favourite Coronation Street man?
For this fan, it's Roy Cropper and has been for an awful long time. Much as I enjoy the comedy shenanigans of, say, Tim and I adore Steve too, there's something very special about Roy's appearances on screen and we're not seeing enough of him lately
But never mind me. If YOU had to choose just one male character who is in the show at the moment, as your absolute favourite, who would it be?
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While Peter is a great piece of eye candy, my favorite all around male character is David. I hope Jack P Shepherd hangs around for a long time, he is such a talented actor and can do anything that they seem to throw at him, and that is what makes David such a good character. He's someone that could turn into an icon.
Strangely for a soap that prides itself on strong women, the men are much more interesting at the moment. Too many to choose from and, with some of them, it depends on their current storyline. Out of loyalty, I vote for Peter even though his storyline is the absolute pits. David, Roy, Tim, Craig, Phelan (but only recently), Steve, Gary will all be in the vote.
I think I'd have to go with David as well but Roy is a very close second.
David of course. Just wish he'd forget about Skanky Shona.
I've liked Steve ever since the MacDonald moved onto the street. I didn't like him and Michelle, but now that he's rid of her he's getting interesting again. Phelan and Roy make the short list too though!
Peter and Roy
I vote for David but because he's being so sweet and brave I'm putting Craig as my second choice.
Phelan, Phelan, Phelan!
Roy, followed by Peter and David. I really liked Freddie too - such a shame he is no longer on the Street.
Has to be David. A multi layered character brilliantly played by Jack P.Shepherd. Manages to be funny in the darkest situation without ever losing the truth of the character. And very powerful in dramatic scenarios.
Phelan all the way
Gary. Please give him more challenging material to perform, his acting in the PTSD storyline was outstanding and showed what he is capable of. He hasn't really been stretched since...
I agree with Humpty that the men are more interesting at the moment. Choosing just one is impossible. Taking Roy as a given, my second long-term favourite is David. Favourite of the moment has to be Phelan though
Peter, Steve, and Tim
Gotta be Gary!
Todd - always funny, but better without Billy or being gay. I'm sorry, but he looks very uncomfortable in this role. he is so much more relaxed when not having to рlay the gay man (esрecially when acting alongside рhelan)
Pat Phelan.
I'm glad the writers have decided to soften the edges to the character to show that nobody is all bad.
This makes for a more complex, layered character.
Alas, the recent storyline showing that Andy is being held hostage is likely to lead to the exit for this character.
Hopefully, I am wrong and the writers will find a way of keeping him In the show.
This is much harder than picking a lady.But in the end, witty comedy has always been (with several recent lapses) at the heart of Corrie - from Stan Ogden onwards, though the men have provided too few examples. Peter's tattos put me off, Gary actually can't act, Phelan is too one-sided, Roy is a treasure, David's steadily improving, Steve would have been there but they've given him too much heartache and Todd & Billy I hope will be around for a long time. So, for keeping the fun going and for being a great actor, I say Tim!
I'm with Tvor on this - David for sure, with Roy a VERY close second.
David and Tim
Steve, Roy, then David and Tim equally.
I would almost always pick David but I do not like the idea of him with Shona. I would probably go with Tim as he has been a great support to his family, a comedy foil to Steve, and an unexpected font of wisdom. Peter, Craig and Roy are way up there, too.
And Phelan for all his complex layers
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