This morning's news is a shock to all of us who hold Rita dear in our hearts, and I nail my colours to the mast on this one. Rita has always been my favourite Coronation Street woman. She still is and even if it's true what I've read online today, she always will be.
So... deep breath.... The Sun today reports that Rita is going to be killed off.
Not with dementia, but with a brain tumour.
Now then, the only source to this story is Mr Curry Sauce himself who tells The Sun: “It has been suggested she might have dementia, but she does not. In fact, she will be diagnosed with a tumour and her doctors will say there is a serious risk she will die if they don’t remove it. But Rita is terrified that she could not know who she is, or recognise her friends."
Strangely, after reading the news this morning, I'm in shock - but not surprised, if that makes sense? Barbara Knox has played the role of Rita for more than 53 years on and off and I've loved every minute. If she's going to leave the show, I just wish she was going to live with Mavis in the Lake District rather than face such a horrific ending.
Sad news indeed, if the story is true... but sadly I fear it might be.
There has been no confirmation or otherwise from ITV on this yet but as soon as there is (if there is) we'll let you know.
Earlier this month, Producer Kate Oates told Radio Times that there was a story she was working on for 2018 which "scares her". I wondered at the time whether she could be considering killing off Rita. You can read my thoughts here.
And in the newly released Coronation Street promo video "Then, Now & Forever" there are iconic scenes and characters recreated from almost 57 years of the show's history... but Rita's not in there anywhere. I was concerned when I saw this and thought perhaps it was another indication that she was being written out of the show. I fear I may have been right.
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Boo! Hiss!
I don't like this at all. I literally gasped. I much prefer your storyline of her going off to live with Mavis. I had hoped her medication was mixed up as it does happen and gives people various symptoms, including confusion and memory lapses. I now hope they really keep Norris and Mary together to run the Kabin.
I know I am in the minority, but I have never been a huge Rita fan, but I, too, woiuld prefer her to make am exit to stay with Mavis. There are different types of brain tumour, some are benign and operable. Maybe it's the usual Corrie thing of giving a character an illness or condition which is then forgotten, e.g. David's epilepsy, Johnny's MS. Rita might still get her happy ending.
I can see this happening but I can also see that she might go through with the operation and all will be well. But I guess it depends on whether *they* want rid or whether Barbara Knox wants to retire and at her age, why not have a dramatic send off? I'd be very sad to see Rita leave no matter what her exit.
Funnily enough, Rita's hubby Ted also died from a tumour 25 years ago.
I remember that but was it really that long ago? I remember it clear as day I feel old now sheesh
I wonder what Barbara Knox thinks of this? Is she ready to bow out? Would this be the way she would want her exit? I too would prefer the retirement in the Lakes scenario too
I will be so sad to see her leave, but if it is true, I hope it's because Barbara Knox wants to retire, I could not hold that against her, I just hope it's a dignified end to a character I've loved watching for so long, that being said... Noooooooooo!!!!! Not Rita!
Rita is 85, and Barbara Knox is a year younger. From a purely technical perspective, the actress will die sooner or later, and I'd rather Rita got a proper final storyline before that sad day. When Blanche and Deirdre died, we didn't get a decent send off because it was offscreen and to a certain extent the writers were scrabbling around to make sense of it. Retirement with Mavis is one idea but it's not final enough, and, as we've pointed out over and over again with other characters, it gets daft that she never comes back to visit during weddings and funerals. A good last hurrah is the best way to send the showgirl out.
It is good idea to have her die because then people around her will say goodbye and give the character a send off she deserves.
Sick of all the doom and gloom! I can understand her retiring but would rather see her going to live with Mavis rather than see her suffering. Think Corrie's had enough dramas. Rather wave her off into retirement.
It will be very sad indeed if Rita does get killed off. She has been a major character in the show since 1972 when I was six years old and just starting to notice it, and it will also mean that she will never have a reconciliation with either her former friend Bet Lynch or her other foster daughter Sharon Bentley, both of whom she was very close to at one point but later fell out with them for different reasons. I very much hope that she does not leave the show in this unpleasant manner, if she does indeed plan to leave. If it is true, I wonder if it because Barbara Knox wishes to retire or the powers that be have decided that there is nothing more that can be done with the character.
If I remember rightly, Rita turned down Mavis's offer to come and run the bed and breakfast in Cartmel with her twenty years ago because she felt they would not get on if they lived together. Perhaps the writers will make this an excuse to kill her off rather than have her retire and go and live with Mavis.
Jeanie (anon):
While people might want her to live forever, as an 85 year-old Rita is approaching her end, as is the actress. It's a bit late for her now to toddling off into the countryside to re-unite with Mavis! That said, the spoiler clearly gives room for her to have the brain surgery and recover, so this could just be the beginning of a new storyline for Rita with a possibly happy ending. My guess is that she will recover from the brain surgery but after this drama will leave the show and the street with much fanfare.
It seems very likely, post wedding, that Mary and Norris are being set up to take over the Kabin, as the new double act.
Come on, this is the sun saying this. I wouldn't trust that rag. Let's just wait for something from the horses mouth.
Although I'm also in shock about Rita possibly being killed off in a tragic manner,I hope it's after Johnny's and Jenny's wedding so she can celebrate her foster daughter's happiness.
I also hope that unlike Deirdre's farewell which was taken over by the Platts'Callum storyline,I hope Rita's farewell is given more respect the episode focused solely on her.
Emily is gone, now Rita, but why is Ken still around? The new crime-based Corrie has no room for the oldies so why is Ken Barlow allowed to get away with his wooden acting?
There's some news I could have done without. Could they have waited on the spoiler until maybe after she had a medical checkup? Yes, we have all seen her recent forgetfulness and know there's sumthin' up. But little clues have led to better reveals in the Ken shooting and the Andy hostage stories. Grrrrrrr!!!
That said, I will miss Rita. I hope, if it's what she wanted, Barbara Knox has an enjoyable, healthy, well deserved retirement.
It depends whether Barbara Knox wants to leave and, if so, perhaps she and the producer have agreed that she goes out with a bang. I'd far rather that than what appears to have happened with Emily. Eileen Derbyshire said she wanted a rest a couple of years ago and hasn't been seen since. I agree that it seems Norris and Mary will be running the Kabin so what would Rita be doing? The operation could be a great success and Rita could have a new lease of life. That's if Barbara Knox wants to stay on. If she doesn't, Rita will refuse the operation as too risky and will die maybe Christmas 2018.
Maybe Jeannie (anon) is on to something, maybe Rita recovers from brain surgery and realizes that life is short, and retires to someplace sunny and we can all have our goodbyes?
I presume Barbara has decided to retire and Kate Oates has talked to her about how she wants to leave. If Rita is leaving, I'm sure Barbara would have had influence in how she's leaving.
I think this will be a great storyline and a brilliant storyline for a legend.
Why should she go live with Mavis and live forever? Life is full of death, which soaps are meant to represent.
I have met several families as of late who have lost older loved ones to brain tumors.. that they didn't realize they had until it was too late. When Rita started to become forgetful, I assumed Barbara Knox wanted to retire and this was one step towards it. The reality is that people do die of brain tumors and at some point, Barbara has the right to enjoy her retirement - when she leaves the screen there will be no resurrection of Rita. While it isn't the dementia or Alzheimer's "issue" people may have predicted, it still represents reality - there are many beloved people who have been lost to brain tumors.
I've so tired of Corrie the last few months I've stopped watching. There so few interesting characters and fun story lines any more. It's, dare I say, BORING. I could care less about half of the characters that come and go like a revolving door. Rita was the last of the best.
So it is only the The Sun that has the story, therefore everything else is speculation based on that story.
If ITV haven't confirmed or denied it then they maybe enjoying the 'free publicity' and when it dies down they will probably issue a statement one way or the other to give it even more publicity!
Surely by now one of the tabloids would have 'doorstepped' Barbara Knox.
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