Next week in Coronation Street we’ll see Sally find out from Brian that the Mayor of Weatherfield has stepped down. She decides to run for Mayor herself and tells Gina she can help with her campaigning.
But can Gina be trusted?
Sally’s furious to discover that Gina’s been storing the box of bric-a-brac which she promised she’d sold, in the store room at Dev’s shop. When Sally confronts Gina, demanding to know why she lied, Gina becomes defensive, accusing Sally of embarrassing her.
When Dev offers her some hours in the shop, Gina’s thrilled and throws her arms round him. Sally remains cross with Gina for lying and accuses her of hiding behind her bipolar condition when it suits her. Seething, Gina borrows Sally’s laptop making out she’s going to sell her bric-a-brac online, but what is her real intent?
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1 comment:
The storylines are ridiculous. Sally as mayor? Who is going to vote for an unknown who stands for nothing? Gary and Sarah storyline? I thought there was some chemistry there at the beginning, but who cares now. Go Gary go. The Rita storyline I could see, as she is in her eighties....but the lawyer Rosie meeting a couple of hoodlets in a pub? This likely would never happen. The Andy/Pat storyline with all of it's twists and turns? Mmmm not bad. The Robert/Michelle spectacle? Who cares. Liz becoming a ditz? Not liking it. Terrible are we expected to identify with people who are constantly being murdered, imprisoned (quite a few ex-cons on the street)raped,kidnapped,extorted,etc etc etc.
Not sure I can stomach much more...and where the hell IS Emily. Know what I think? I think she saw how terrible the writings become and decided "to heck with it" and stayed on with her nephew Spider and his brood of ecofriendly brats.
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