Ever since Sean left the bosom of Eileen's sofa and moved in to live with Norris, we've wanted to see these two fellas at home. And last week we finally saw them together as Sean helped Norris knot his tie before he went out to marry Mary.
When Sean first moved in with Norris, I wrote a blog post calling them Corrie's new odd couple - and I was hoping we would see more of their domestic arrangements. They could be comedy gold.
So, here's my personal plea to the powers that be at Coronation Street for more scenes with these two men behind the door at Number 3. The potential for pathos, comedy and some cutting dialogue is immense.
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It seems to me that a lot of stories were put on hold or left unfinished to shoehorn in Bethany's grooming story.
Hopefully we can now get back to normal.
I've missed seeing a lot of my favourite characters just lately.
I do hope we see Sean remain as the Coles' lodger just as Eddie Yeats was the Ogdens' lodger years ago.There was a lot od comedy in their scenes and I would to see the same with Norris Mary and Sean.
I've had enough with the Platt dramas taking over storylines.
Oh I agree and hope Sean stays on as a lodger. He and Norris seem to have a friendship and Mary gets along with just about anyone. Maybe we'll finally get to see a bit of the goings on chez Cole. These three quirky characters together should be fun.
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