Hiya! It’s just Jordan with my cynical synopsis of Friday’s
trip to Revelation Street. What was that revelation, I hear you ask? Well, if
you don’t know by now, you’ll just have to wait until the end of this post, because
as Glinda says: It’s always best to start at the beginning…
Friday’s drama picked up right where Wednesdays left off.
Rita made the decision to have Gemma
arrested for the burglary of The Kabin and
the theft of £100. Of course, we all know that it was the wrong decision, but
despite Gemma’s loudmouth protests, the loveable chav is still ostracised by
the factory girls and hauled off in the back of a police car for a crime she
didn’t commit. As tradition dictates, when someone is innocent, Weatherfield
police must believe that they are guilty and Gemma’s dilemma was no exception.
Poor Gemma tries helplessly to prove her innocence. It is rather surprising to
see Gina come to her rescue. The sister of Our Pal Sal turns up at The Kabin
after hearing watching the drama unfold to remind Rita that she loaned Gina
£100 herself to pay the bills and she must’ve forgotten. Whether this is true
or not is questionable, but upon hearing this, Rita tearfully hurtles down to
the police station and – getting her words confused in her outburst – gets Gemma
freed. Unfortunately though, the peace
doesn’t last long after Gemma is back home with Rita. Things boil over when
Gemma is awkwardly determined that Rita doesn’t trust her and she storms off to
pack her bags.
"I'll pack me bags!" "Do that!" |
"You've gotta be careful who you give your bank details to" "It seemed completely legit!" |
Elsewhere, there’s a surprisingly comedic car chase going on
in Weatherfield. It’s the day Gary is due to go to do that dodgy work in
Ukraine, but he has told Sarah, Izzy and his family that he is going to Germany
to visit his dad. He has confided the truth to Alya, and has given her a letter
to give to Sarah should things take a turn for the worst. Alya puts it with her
work documents, and of all the pieces of paper she has with her while in the café,
the letter is the one she unknowingly drops when leaving. Shona spots the
letter later and when she sees that it is addressed to Sarah, she pops over to
the pub with it. The secrets spill from the page and all of Gary’s sudden
shiftiness makes sense. Having already
waved Gary off in his taxi, the ever-tragic barmaid is left to march over to
StreetCars and seek help. Steve employs the totally daft phrase “We need more
Jammy Dodgers” to get Tim to stop the taxi, a pre-existing phrase in the cab
drivers’ code. Tim pretends the car has
broken down and Steve and Sarah race to the scene in another taxi. Upon
arrival, she rightfully demands an explanation. Gary reveals to her the extent
of his debt; she was unaware of his uninsured building work that has left him
thousands in the red. This still does not persuade her though that he should
risk getting himself killed, so she offers him an ultimatum. If he goes through
with the scheme, their relationship is over. Seeing that he is not about to change
his mind, Sarah gets back in cab with her trademark tears, marking an end to
their relationship. Back on the Street
however, a new relationship has been formed in the shape of Alya and Luke.
Their flatmate Kate, however, is dismayed when she discovers this and harps on
about how they can’t be together for some illogical and just downright silly
For the first time, Nicola makes a return to the Street that
is neither dramatic nor involves her pulling up harshly and slamming her car
door. Instead, she strides calmly into number 11 and asks her long-lost dad for
some advice on buying a flat she’s put an offer in on. Being in the building industry,
the seller is aware of Pat and after a couple of nice words from the man himself,
Nicola’s relatively small offer is accepted. Nicola gets the drinks in to
celebrate, and Todd remarks to Pat that being nice to people could be the way
forward in life. The next time we see Phelan however, he’s driven to an
abandoned flat with a Freschos bag. Through a series of carefully plotted
camera angles, we are unable to see who he’s talking to once he’s inside. He
mutters about changing his ways in the dimly-lit building. Chains rattle as he
leaves and a hoarse voice screams, begging him to wait. It’s Andy. That beating
with the laptop didn’t quite finish the budding writer off, as we’d been led to
believe. A powerfully written scene,
brilliantly acted but I can’t help but question the plausibility. We all know
that around the time Andy was kidnapped by Phelan, he was supposed to be moving
away to Portugal with Steph. She received a text, clearly not written by him,
claiming he couldn’t go through with it and she left alone. Why has Steph not
been in touch since January? Why would she believe Andy was ending their
long-term relationship via text? Why is Corrie doing all these daft twists as
of late?
"I soon discovered it was easier to get the good things in life by doing the bad things" |
Both episodes were distinctly Corrie. A good mix of drama
and comedy. That last scene with Phelan and Andy was executed brilliantly, and
although I wasn’t keen on Rita’s dementia to start with, I think it is going to
be a good storyline. As much as we all love Rita – she’s Corrie royalty – if she
were real, there is sadly a strong possibility she could suffer from memory loss.
As always,
Thanks for reading!
Twitter - @JordanLloyd39

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I'm with Moira re the scam. Apart from it being out of character for Liz to be so dim as to fall for it, I feel no sympathy because she shouldn't have been ordering the vapes or doing her online shopping whilst at work. Similarly, would she and Steve really discuss his sex life at the medical centre reception (last week) when there was a queue of patients waiting, and talk loudly enough for everyone to hear and join in? These are all contrived situations to create conflict between Liz and Moira, but I fail to see Moira as the villain. Liz is a good character, and the scriptwriters are doing her a disservice making her behave so badly.
Coconno196- I couldn't have put it better myself.
Thanks. 😊 Though from Monday's preview Liz may be using her brain again at last...
I'm getting very tired of them changing the character to fit the script, instead of the other way around. They should be thinking 'what would 'cast member' do in this instance?' instead of 'how can we make 'cast member' do this for this story?'
So glad Andy's not dead though! This may be the beginning of the end for Pat when this all breaks loose!
Kate is being totally unreasonable, she can't just dictate who is allowed to date who for her own selfish reasons.
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