Andy is indeed alive!
At the end of tonight's second episode, we see Phelan go into the basement of an abandoned building and talk to someone. That someone seems to be chained up. The very last shot reveals a bearded Andy looking anguished. It's very satisfying when you guess correctly!
Back in January, Andy discovered he had evidence that would nail Phelan in the scam about the flats he was pretending to build and that he watched Michael Rodwell die. Phelan confronted him and bashed him in the face with a laptop and it was assumed that he killed the younger man. Andy's girlfriend Steph waited for him at the airport, they were going to start a new life in Portugal but he didn't show up. He'd been in a state of late and she wasn't overly surprised. She left without him.
Actor Oliver Farnsworth had a pretty big secret to keep while filming the episodes. He was smuggled on set and was forbidden to make any contact with cast members, according to the Manchester Evening News. Oliver says that the isolation "helped in some ways for the role and mental preparation to be isolated from everyone in that way." He's had lots of time to work out for himself how Andy must have survived and how his interaction and relationship with Phelan would have evolved.
"I spent a lot of time just thinking about the different stages he would have been through during the past eight months from hope to despair to seeing Phelan as an arch enemy to sometimes possibly even seeing him as a friend. If Phelan leaves him alone for a few days without food the second he comes in with a sandwich he has to be his best friend as Phelan has got something that Andy needs for survival."
But Andy's getting more desperate to escape and the spoiler photos on the tabloid websites show him with a length of rope to wrap around Phelan's neck!
It looks like the next few weeks will be very interesting indeed!

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Well, I'm feeling pretty smug! Called this one a few weeks ago! Right in every detail. Phelan's black eye, his odd confession to the priest - and most importantly, the fact that the thread appeared to have been forgotten about right after a character was murdered! Not very likely; they had to be up to something. I also think Tish Merry may return as Steph, since she's shown up several times at cast events in the last few months.
I'd love to see steph back but I wonder if Andy isn't just going to take off to Portugal in the end to be with her there once this is all over.
Hope Andy escapes soon and gets Phelan arrested sick of his face now
I too said at the time that Andy wasn't dead - hopefully phelan will now get his comeuppance and we will see the back of him permanently.
I didn't think Phelan had killed Andy either - he didn't clout him hard enough. Hope he leaves and Andy & Steph return.
If there was any chance that his daughter's arrival would magically turn Phelan into a good guy, this 'revelation' puts paid to it. Phelan is a vicious bully who delights in torturing his victims. Well, we knew that anyway but Andy's imprisonment proves that nothing has changed. His time on the Street must be coming to an end. Eileen's remarks about con merchants and 'you think you know someone' point to her being outraged when Phelan's actions are exposed (otherwise why show us Andy?) and she'll be instrumental in his downfall.
Guess who's gonna be the Father of Nicola's baby? You heard it here first! 😜
Fantastic surprise! I've always said he wasn't dead, brilliant way for Corrie to bring back Andy and show how evil Phelan is. I cannot wait to see how this pans out!! Too stuff from Kate Oates and the team for keeping this secret! That's how it should be done! 10/10
Gary is the baby daddy
Yes! Not only did I get suspicious when we Andy didn't turn up dead, but he was just starting to get interesting when Phelan hit him! I really like Andy and Stephen and it would be great if they both returned for a while.
Please explain. How do you "turn up dead"? Also, I think you mean Steph, not Stephen
Lovely neat beard for 6-7 months growth! The clues were all there, but I thought they did brilliantly to not let it out before last night.
OK I'm obviously naive because I did not see this coming. To be fair though, I wasn't watching when Andy was attacked. Brilliant twist though. I was worried they were trying to redeem Phelan when they brought Nicola in - so glad that isn't the case.
I just hope they bring Steph back when its revealed to the Street that Andy is alive, if only for a couple of episodes. Her story is far from over.
They kinda have redeemed Phelan in the sense that he's not a cold-blooded killer. He's facing prison when this is all done and dusted, but it won't be a hugely long stretch.
If you think about it, Steph's absence was essential if this story was to play out. If she had remained, she would have raised the alarm; there would have been a police search for the missing Andy. By removing her, they were able to imply Andy was dead and gone and that Phelan might even get away with murder (of course, this being Corrie, we always knew he would not!) As I mentioned above, Tish Merry has been included in at least two cast events in the last few months, suggesting she hasn't really left. And, if you recall, her leaving came as a complete surprise, now that there was no usual press announcement preceding her departure.
Rapunzel - if you recall, Phelan told the dying Michael he didn't have it in him to kill someone in cold blood, just weeks before he attacked Andy. The clues were all there.
I really hope Andy gets out of this (I couldn't cope with watching him being killed twice!) and that he remains on the Street, rather than rejoning Steph abroad. Frankly, watching him recover from such a traumatic ordeal, dealing with the psychological ramifications, is psychologically more compelling than Bethany coping with her trauma. And I want to see him resume his writing: after what he's been through and the publicity his case is bound to attract, he would easily secure a publishing deal writing his horror stories!
I'm thrilled to see he is still alive, I had a feeling from the beginning. It will be interesting to see how this story plays out now. PLEASE give Andy a good story line after this too, would love to see his character developed more. I would love to see Steph come back too. Wait till Luke finds out...
Hayley Tamaddon has been at Corrie social events recently, and she's most definitely left, so the Trish Merry thing doesn't always ring true
I can't say as I'm thrilled, as Andy was a kinda pointless character after the identity reveal, BUT it was a great surprise. I really love that the show isn't tossing every twist and turn into the spoiler machine.
@J - There's been confirmation Nicola does get pregnant, but no confirmation from Kate Oates that the Father of the baby is Gary. That's where my thought comes from that Andy is the Father. I have a 'Phelan' it will be him! :P
That's because tptb never gave him a storyline. As you say he had a point with the ID storyline, but after that he just faded.
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