For a bit of fun this week in the run up to the Bank Holiday weekend, we're going to be asking every day this week who our current favourite characters are. Today it's the turn of the Corrie kid!
So, who is your current, favourite Coronation Street child character?
For this fan, it's got to be Amy Barlow. Whether she's channelling her grandma Blanche or being ping-ponged between Steve and Tracy, she's never in a bad scene or story. If Steve and Tracy do get back together - and I'm crossing my fingers that they don't - then it'll be interesting to see what young Amy has to say about it all.
But never mind me. If YOU had to choose just one Corrie kid from the show at the moment, as your absolute favourite, who would it be?
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With Corrie kids, you can't separate the character from the actor. The actors have to be naturally talented and given some great writing. Simon was always my favourite Corrie kid until the writers turned him into an infantile teenager. Amy is my favourite character at the moment. Great delivery from the actor and spot on dialogue.
No spark there for me. Amy is a one dimensional character, it doesn't help that the actor delivers all her lines in the same way.
Yeah, Amy WOULD be great if her lines weren't' all monotone.
I'm on team Simon.
Jeanie (anon):
Craig, undoubtedly. He came in as a taciturn kid with a rat and grew from there. Faye as well; not so crazy about some of her storyline but the actress has always played the character really well, especially in her early days with Anna and Eddie and Anna and Owen. She conveys a lot of pain and vulnerability. Like some others (above) I have never seen the appeal of Amy and flinched through a lot of her scenes. The actress is so-so and her stilted delivery is made even worse by some of the lines she has been given-- put-downs, observations, and comebacks that a girl her age would never say. If the writers must have precocious, Summer does it more authentically.
If you're talking about younger kids, I have to go with Amy, with the teens, Craig.
I like Amy, too. I suspect I will also really like Summer once she's had more to do.
I would say Craig. I love the way he has grown into a fine young man. If we are talking about the younger kids, I really like Summer. I think she's feisty and can put Amy in her place. I also like the way she is bringing out the softer side of Todd. I hope they put a bit more focus on her.
The new Hope. What a natural and cracking little actress. She's even brought a spark of life into Ruby. Together they could get up to lots of funny mischief.
Nooo. I feel she's trying too hard and is being false. Maybe if she was more herself, she'd be more likeable. I'll give her time to settle in and grow up a bit though
I would say Amy hands down.
Also, it is refreshing to have a little Hope that actually talks. I love how Ruby hugs into her when they are together. I love that little duo. :-)
I love little Lily. She doesn't get to say much because of her age, but I find her convincing and really cute. Of the older ones, Craig and Summer (in spite of the unlikely name outside of California. ..). I've liked Amy a lot in the past but fear the SWs are now making her too much like Tracy. New Hope shows promise but she should be a redhead. John Stape was quite fair, so he and Fiz producing a brunette daughter takes some believing.
@Anon 3:10 (Jeanie) I taught secondary school for 34 years, and can assure you that there are many precocious young ladies JUST like Amy!
If teens count, then Bethany is my favorite. If not, then maybe Max -- he doesn't get much but he comes across as a nice boy despite having been through so much.
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