We've seen the pictures and we've read the ITV previews and so we know that there's going to be a Coronation Street wedding next week.
But as you can see from the picture above, while Norris consults his speech, the registrar looks on with a rather impatient look on her face as Mary beams out to the guests gathered to watch them get spliced.
We also know that secrets will be revealed at Mary and Norris' wedding when Mary's son Jude tells his mum he wants to find his dad. You can read more on that here.
And so it seems that although there are pictures of Mary and Norris about to get married, we don't know whether a marriage will go ahead and the two of them become wed.
My question today is whether you want them to get married, or not. I'm a big, fat NAY on this because I love Mary and I love Norris but not together, no way. I'm still hoping we'll see more of Norris and Sean at home together anyway, and as much as I enjoy watching Mary on screen, I'd rather see more of Norris with Sean and the comedy potential this might have.
But would YOU like to see Mary and Norris get wed? Yay or Nay?
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Nay! Thought the purpose of the fake wedding was for a chance to win the trip - while now her son has arrived there is no need for a wedding. Why on earth would Mary want to be married to that cranky old man!
NAY NAY NAY! Norris is a good friend to Mary but is much too old and miserable to be her husband. Mary needs someone cultured, adventurous and with a sense of humour, but there's no rush. She has good friends plus her son and his family.
I'd also like to see some interaction between Norris and Sean, a lot of scope for comedy there.
I can't help thinking a nightmare sequence is being used for publicity shots - that is, before Norris wakes up screaming. Mary is mad enough to go through with it but Norris would be having cold sweats, wondering whether Mary has expectations of a full marriage or, come to that, a full inheritance. So it's Nay, but then I don't think the writers were ever going to make them *legally* hitched.
Nice to see the regular Registrar, just as we had the usual Desk Sergeant at Weatherfield Police Station when Rita Kabin - sorry, Rita Tanner from the Kabin - popped in this evening. Gives a sense of continuity.
NAY NAY AND THRICE NAY! A really stupid idea.
I am firmly in the YES camp!! The 'new' family dynamics would be fun to watch....so yes...yes.....yes! Norris, a grandfather....I think it would 'soften' him!
On a side note, Mary looks gorgeous with her hair down!
Absolutely not ! It doesn't make any sense if her son is here. I too would've liked to see more of Sean and Norris in Emily's house - a wasted comedic opportunity? I would find Norris marrying Rita more acceptable - especially as her health begins to suffer with dementia. Mary gets on my nerves nowadays and I'm fed up of her 'mother said' quotes . I don't listen to her when she speaks anymore , I just check my phone till she's off screen .
NAY NAY NAY! Norris is a good friend to Mary but is much too old and miserable to be her husband. Mary needs someone cultured, adventurous and with a sense of humour. But there is no rush. She has supportive friends and family (if Jude does stay in Weatherfield).
How expensive is a trip to visit Emily or Jude that they have to enter a contest?
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