Our blogger Tvor has written about the wedding of Norris and Mary, and you can read it all here.
However, after comments left here on the Coronation Street Blog and those I've seen on social media, I'm left wondering if the marriage should be annulled? What do you think?
Mary and Norris are clearly close, friendly and have mutual respect for each other. That's a lot more than many married couples have, for sure! But should they continue to live their lives together as husband and wife after they admitted that they wed just to win a prize?
Should they have the marriage annulled or should they stick together and see what happens? And if they do stick together, where will they live? Would Mary move in with Norris and Sean?
Enquiring minds need to know.
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I think they should drop out of the contest, first and foremost, since the reason they entered was to be able to visit Jude who is moving to Manchester. If Norris wants to visit Emily, he can always buy himself a ticket. Then yes, I think they should stay married but as friends and run the Kabin together.
Unable to perform is husbandly duties Mary seeks solace elsewhere and Norris finally comes out of the closet.
Where will they live? Well it looks like the flat above the shop will be available soon!
No, I think they make a great couple. Less dysfunctional than many couples on the street. They should drop out of the competition though.
I think they should stay in the competition but lose. lol And I think that they should be like Karen and Steve....a marriage of a bad start that turned into love. Mary is an old soul and Norris has married worse before. I think it would be nice to have a happy ending for a change. Also, Bet and Alec Gilroy were unexpected...but I loved them together as well.
Initially, I thought the marriage should be annulled but now I think there's something else to consider. In a way, Mary never left home. Marriage to Norris is a symbolic cutting of ties with her mother. She will no longer be the spinster middle-aged daughter who can be called back at a moment's notice. She can say that her husband needs her. As such, they have rescued each other: Mary from her mother and Norris from a lonely old age. They should stay together for the time being and see how things develop.
Some couples marry for different reasons. I think Mary looks on Norris as a father figure and Norris is protective of Mary.
There's no reason why this wouldn't work for them.
They would work quite happily together in the shop and Mary would be in her element doting on Norris.
And of course she will inherit the shop when Norris pops his clogs.
My patents met at a dance on a school break. When she went back to college, mom was heads over heels about another boy but knew she would always be best friends with my dad. That they were, for over 50 years. Because Mary and Norris have a strong friendship and truly care for each other, I think they'll be happy together. They'll be interesting to watch because they are their own people. Folks have gotten and stayed married for less; I don't see any reason to annull, or for that matter, drop out of the contest (unless they had stated that they were already married; that would be fraud. Honestly don't remember the rules of that contest.)
I used to be against them getting together because Norris was just so old, but now that the writers are morphing Norris somewhat into a kinder, gentler soul, the two could be the making of each other--Mary helping Norris become more generous and open-hearted, Norris giving Mary more stability and unconditional support.
So, sure...why not? Following the usual rom-com plot, they will stay married through the length of the contest and gradually the relationship will truly become, as Jude said, "friends who became lovers."
Why, in the 21st century would a competition only be open to married couples? Thought that would be discrimination. I like that they both have old fashioned values to think marriage is the correct thing to do.
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