The Bride wore flowers in her hair. The Groom shook her hand when they were declared married by our favourite recurring Registrar. Yet this marriage may last longer than some recent ones that didn't get past the reception. Norris and Mary said I Do and then things nearly went to hell in a hand basket when secrets were unfurled like flying a glorious flag.
I loved the wedding scenes, the angst of the bride and groom knowing it was a sham and a scam in hopes of winning a competition, knowing they were lying to many of their friends and family. I think if Jude hadn't come so far for the wedding, they probably wouldn't have felt so bad. But that's what happens on soaps. Jude had to come to Weatherfield so that he could find out that his father wasn't the romantic lover that Mary had painted him to be. He may not want to get to know his father's family any longer but he wants to get to know his mother better. I'm not sure if his wife agrees.
You can see all of the wedding notes with lots of screen captures on State of the Street.
It was one of the more unique weddings and I thought it was wonderful! What say you?

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Now that Mary has confessed to the sham wedding I think they should get the marriage annulled. Would they really convince the competition organisers anyway, with the wedding being so recent? Not keen on Jude's wife, but rather naughty of him to claim they had discussed moving to Manchester. It certainly looked like news to Angie - cue conflict with her mother-in-law...d
I'm very surprised the wedding went ahead and I agree that the marriage should now be annulled. I don't care much for Jude's wife but, to be fair to her, she must be feeling left out. Do we know her profession? Could she be the new senior doctor at the medical centre?
I am surprised and disappointed that the marriage went ahead - what are the writers thinking? Absolute rubbish and so far off the mark as to be offensive.
I'd like them to stay married and make a go of it. A marriage that started off dodgy but lasts the course. They could be quite funny living together. No cheating, affairs with these two for sure. It might turn out to be quirky to say the least but probably more normal than a lot of Corrie marriages. Let them make a go of it. Move Sean out and move Mary in.
I enjoyed the wedding even though it was so unbelievable. But I think they should go back to being friends. Mary isn't particularly old and it would be great to see her in a well matched relationship with a good, but eccentric bloke.
Well, it was certainly more unusual than Karen marrying Steve for a bet. And it did bring the truth out and test a mother and son's resolve to be reunited. For me, the rest is all comedy fodder for the future. Feel bad for Jude's wife, forget her name, as she has taken her place on the street as a suspicious, contrary character. Wish they had mixed in some humour and empathy into that mix right away.
I feel cheated that the day we finally get a slice of Sean and Norris' domestic life is when it is about to end. They were good together; we should have had more.
It is an odd Corrie wedding in that it actually happened at the planned hour without anyone running out in a panic. It is also in perfect keeping that Jude made a life changing decision in an instant without consulting his wife first. He'll fit in perfectly. Angie, who seems to have the brains and the backbone in this pair, should be interesting to watch. I think she and Tracy might become interesting friends.
'Unbelievable' is indeed the word for this storyline amid yet more poor attention to detail. We had seen Mary and Norris schooling each other in a previous episode about the fine details of their "marriage" so they would not be found out by the magazine. And yet in Friday's first episode Mary is flummoxed when Jude's wife Angie says: "You never told me how Norris proposed." Struggling to answer Mary comes up with, "We were in the cinema." Asked what the film was, she again hesitates before replying, "Mad Max 2." It can only get worse when the extra episode begins.
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