Questionable logic award: Andy, in a dark basement with only a dim, dodgey light until Phelan comes down with a lantern, requests reading material?
User award: Nicola seems to be warming up to Phelan but certainly taking advantage that he's a builder.

Fashion accessory award: Loved Gemma's hair-bow! Mary's flower "crown" was really nice too, suited her.
Lines of the week:
Andy "My Name is Andy Carver. Pat Phelan has me hostage" (no, he doesn't. He's not asked for a ransom from anyone for you)
Norris about the wedding "It's not bona fide, it's bogus fide!"
Kirk "you need to talk me through that story again now I know that goat wasn't dead"
Phelan to Andy "How come you're the one chained up in here but I feel like the one trapped?"
Jude "Look at them, friends who have become lovers" Angie "Yeah. almost too romantic to be true"
Norris to Sean about his tie "Tighter!" Sean "If I go any tighter, I'll be done for murder!" (Ha!) and "It's small and tight and rigid, just like you!" G
emma "It's like looking for a black cat in a coal cellar"
David "I've gone AWOL a few times (haven't you *just*) and I'm sure he'll (Chesney) turn up when he's good and ready"
GEmma "What would you rather have? A bit of romance or a bit of Fifty Shades!?" Jude to Angie "Don't answer that!"
Shona to David "You need to decide whether you can look at me without seeing him"
Jude to Mary "You really are a one off"
Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)

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Mary's flower crown, her bouquet, and the men's boutonnières were so lovely! I so impressed with how beautiful the wedding flowers were!
Re: use of the word "hostage" used by Andy to describe his situation - - - What would have been a more appropriate word to use? Imprisoned? How would Andy have known whether or not Phelan was offering money for his release?
She does work at a florists. ;)
All I could think of was "Roy would have a fit if he knew what had been going on in the cafe!"
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