CHESNEY GOES AWOL Sinead frets over Chesney, convinced he hasn’t been himself since the attack. Fiz suggests they check on him. Masking his nerves, Chesney tells them he’s taking Ruby and Fiz into town for the afternoon. Sinead’s relieved. But as they set off on the bus, Chesney suffers a panic attack and demanding the driver opens the doors, he flees, leaving the girls on the bus.
PHELAN AND NICOLA PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Nicola introduces Phelan to her boyfriend Scott who’s a policeman and shows him some pictures of a derelict building they’ve bought. Phelan reluctantly agrees to help them convert it into a youth centre. But when it becomes clear that Scott has no idea he’s Nicola’s father, Phelan’s hurt.
ANGIE IS SUSPICIOUS OF MARY Angie treats Mary to a spa day before her wedding and quizzes her about her relationship with Norris. Mary’s discomfort is evident and Angie’s quietly concerned. Back in the pub Norris gives Mary a hug and assures her that her he’s honoured to become her husband. Mary’s thrilled whilst Angie eyes them with suspicion.
ELSEWHERE When Gemma complains about her sleeping arrangements at No.6, Cathy urges her to make up with Rita. Shona visits Clayton in prison. She’s taken aback when he hugs her, saying he’s pleased to see her. Clayton begs Shona to spend her winnings on helping him to get out. But when Clayton lets slip that he’s running a drugs operation from prison, will she waiver? David’s angry to discover Shona’s been visiting Clayton but backs off when he sees how upset she is.
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Tyrone made a good point...why leave the two girls with Chesney if there was even the hint of him not being well.
I don't like Mary's daughter in law. I don't like the weird looks she gives her and she lost me in the scene (last episode maybe) when Mary was trying to entice them to stay with her instead of a hotel and she sniped that they really should be visiting her family instead. No sensitivity at all.
As for would think she would buy a little treat for Bethany as a thank you for the winning ticket. And why in the world would she want her son out of do the same thing he did to Keily! I cannot get on board with her thinking son or no son.
I like Mary's daughter in law. She is not giving her 'weird looks' she is just curious about Mary and Noris's relationship and quite rightly so.
I don't mean just this episode Jan. In Monday's episode she made eyes at Jude to turn Mary down when she asked them to have a home cooked meal before they go. She also made a comment about Mary not letting something go once she starts. I think she resents Jude welcoming Mary into his life as easily as he has.
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