There’s drama for young copper Craig Tinker next week in Coronation Street when PC Neil kidnaps him as revenge. Neil angrily bundles Craig into his car asserting that they need a little chat. Secretly activating the record function on his phone, Craig goads Neil… will he reveal all?
Later in the police station, DC Leigh tells Neil that the Chief Inspector wants to see him. Knowing the game is up, Neil shoots a look of hatred at Craig. DC Leigh calls at No.8 and assures Bethany and Sarah that she’s confident they now have enough evidence to bring charges.
Meanwhile, Bethany tells Craig that she’s going to seek professional help as the first step on the road to recovery after the grooming ordeal. And David and Shona work together to bring down Nathan too.
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I hope Craig comes out all right,otherwise I would be very upset if anything happens to him or he's killed off because Bethany didn't speak up sooner and she stays on the Street.
I love Bethany's shirt !
Bethany looks like Elly Mae Clampett, ha ha. Google it.
Don't need to google it anon, I know who she is :-)
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