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Michelle’s back from visiting Steve in Spain and gets straight back to work behind the bar. She’s called to help plan a wedding for a woman called Saskia who’s marrying a fella called Will. Now then, Will and Michelle recognise each other – it’s a real blast from the past for them both. It turns out that they dated for eight months when they were in their teens and it’s clear they’re still close. So while Michelle does her best to help Will with the wedding menus after Saskia leaves him to arrange things, other feelings surface. Liz isn’t happy that Michelle is spending time with Will when Sean blabs that he’s an old flame of Michelle’s and lets her feelings known on the subject too. There’s some wonderful scenes between Michelle and Liz and between Michelle and Will this week, I enjoyed Kym Marsh’s performances very much in these scenes. She’s clearly missing Steve and confides to Will how she’s stood by Steve through his depression and how hard it’s been on her too. Excellent scenes.
Over at the Bistro, Tracy lords it over the place now that Robert owns it. She even plans and arranges for a new sign to go up outside – until Robert stops her in her tracks. They argue in the Bistro and in comes Carla who gets Tracy’s anger thrown at her full force. In return, Carla gives Tracy one of the best slaps that Corrie’s had in years. Robert then tells Tracy she’s banned from the Bistro. He’ll stick to his business and she should stick to hers. Tracy’s isn’t happy with this, and yells at Robert “You don’t know what I’ve done for you!”. Robert wants to know what this means, but Tracy keeps quiet, for now, about bribing Carla for the extra ten thousand pounds so that Robert could buy the Bistro.
Phelan gets his feet under the tea table at Eileen’s for a cosy tea with her, Todd and Sean. However, although it looks like Phelan’s pulled the wool over Eileen’s eyes and Sean can’t see what’s in front of him either, Todd might just have the measure of the new man in his mam’s life. He warns Phelan he’s got his eye on him. Go, Todd!
Poor Izzy continues with her very painful struggle. Gary says he’ll get her more dope but the dealer gives Gary much stronger stuff than normal and Izzy has a bad turn with the drugs. When Anna finds out that Izzy’s been smoking cannabis as a form of pain control she flies off the handle, unable and unwilling to understand what’s going on. Gary hates to see Izzy in so much pain and determines to move in with her to look after her and little Jake. What a lovely lad that Gary is. Izzy goes to see her GP again to ask for the legalised version of cannabis as pain relief, it comes in a spray. However, the GP refuses Izzy’s request as she doesn’t have MS.
When one of Sharif’s hens walks into Sally’s garden to lay an egg on her lawn, she complains to the council. Sharif gets a visit from the Environmental Health Inspector who tells him the hen coop is exemplary and no further action will be taken. Sally’s not happy, though. She likes to have summat to complain about.
Sarah and baby Harry go home from hospital and it’s a bittersweet event for Sarah. Nick’s not there as he’s out with Carla and Gail’s in town buying slippers, such as the priorities of the Platt clan.
A wedding dress was on display this week when Kate tried her frock on in front of Sophie. This is such a dull storyline I can hardly bring myself to type the words, so I won’t.
And finally this week, Audrey and Ken are enjoying a drink in the Rovers when Freddie comes in and Audrey insists he joins them for a drink. It’s not long before he’s got Audrey giggling like a school girl (she’s great when she does this). Just as they’re enjoying a cosy drink in come a boisterous group of drunken lads on a stag night, all wearing the same t-shirts with a picture of the groom on the front. One of them bumps into the table and spills Audrey’s drink and gives Ken grief. It’s Freddie who steps up and threatens the lads to calm down. “Don’t make me hit you!” he growls. Crisis averted, Mary joins in the drinking game with the stags, ends up as drunk as they are and wearing one of their t-shirts too. Wonderful stuff.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Joe Turner and Martin Allen (Monday double); Ben Tagoe (Wednesday); Simon Crowther (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
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I like Freddie and I'm glad they've let him use his own accent. It's a shame Kylie's going because they could have been a great double act. However, I can see Freddie fitting in with a lot of people: Gemma, Sharif etc. He needs to do something other than pop up at the Rovers. Perhaps he could do odd jobs at the community centre.
I thought Ken's visiting Sarah and little Harry a bit contrived as he didn't take the time to visit Kylie after Lily[who's now the invisible child]was born.
He wasn't sniffing around Audrey when Lily was born. It was obviously an excuse to ingratiate himself further with Harry's great-grandma.
Have we even explored why Izzy when straight to cannabis rather than trying other pain management therapies? I find it all so contrived and quite ridiculous as it's come across as zero to illegal in seconds rather than trying and failing at other ways to manage pain and get better. Did she even see a physiotherapist or chiropractor after her alleged dislocated hip??
What exactly is Izzy's condition? If not MS, then what?
Wikipedia: "It was only after she graduated at 23 that [Cherylee Houston] was diagnosed with the rare connective tissue disorder, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Type III hypermobility type. She has used a wheelchair ever since."
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